It is clear that the public transport fiasco started as a result of Austin Gatt’s policy of reducing the public transport expenditure as much as possible. Consequently the service started on the wrong footing, with a lack of buses, long routes or less frequent buses as well as continuous changes in the routes that led the operator to refuse to invest in a more efficient and decent service.
Ralph Cassar, AD Spokesperson for transport, energy and industry, said:”Public transport is a public service which requires adequate state financing. The reasons are various: a good public transport system reduces traffic from the streets, gives back open spaces to the public, reduces air pollution and improves people’s quality of life.
“We welcome the immediate introduction of equal tariffs for everyone. Apart from being just, this should make the service more efficient and quicker, avoiding the time wasted for the driver to try to establish which rate should be paid by whom. Our appeal to the Government is that in the call for expression of interest for a new public transport operator, it will emphasise the need for an expanded service in terms of time schedules during rush hours. It is just as important to maintain the high standards of the vehicles used – both in terms of emissions as well as accessibility. An effort should be made for additional vehicles to operate using electricity or natural gas.
“Finally we urge the Government to identify sources of income, for example from polluting activities which should be used to sustain an efficient public transport service, to expand different forms of transport services, for example by sea, and to increase public spaces in our streets. This is the only way in which air quality, and consequently, people’s health can be improved.”
Huwa ċar li l-fjask fit-trasport pubbliku beda sforz tal-politika ta’ Austin Gatt biex inaqqas kemm jista’ jkun l-ispiża fuq servizz pubbliku. Il-konsegwenzi kienu li s-servizz beda zopp, b’nuqqas ta’ karozzi tal-linja, rotot twal jew inqas spissi u b’tibdiliet kontinwi li wasslu biex l-operatur ma riedx jinvesti u jopera s-servizz b’mod xieraq.
Ralph Cassar, kelliem dwar it-trasport, l-energija u l-industrija ta’ AD qal:”It-trasport pubbliku huwa servizz pubbliku li jeħtieg finanzjament xieraq mill-istat. Ir-raġunijiet huma bosta: trasport pubbliku adegwat inaqqas it-traffiku fit-toroq, jagħti lura spazji pubbliċi lin-nies, inaqqas it-tniġġis tal-arja u jtejjeb il-kwalita tal-ħajja tan-nies.
“Nilqgħu pożittivament l-introduzzjoni immedjata ta’ tariffi l-istess għal kulħadd, dan għandu jhaffef is-servizz u jevita hafna telf ta’ ħin sakemm ix-xufier joqghod jipprova jiddetermina min ghandu jħallas liema noll. Nappellaw lill-Gvern biex fis-sejħa għall-offerti għal operatur ġdid tat-trasport pubbliku jisħaq fuq żieda fis-servizz fil-ħinijiet meta n-nies jkunu qed jivjaġġaw lejn u lura mix-xogħol. Importanti wkoll li jinżamm standard għoli fit-tip ta’ vetturi li jintużaw – kemm fejn jidħlu emmissjonijiet, kif ukoll fejn tidħol aċċessibilita. Għandu jkun hemm sforz biex karozzi tal-linja addizzjonali jkunu tal-elettriku jew gass naturali.
“Fl-aħħarnett nappellaw il-Gvern biex jindentifika sorsi ta’ dħul bħal per eżempju minn attivitajiet li jinġġsu li għandhom jmorru biex isostnu servizz effiċjenti ta’ trasport pubbliku, biex jespandi servizzi ta’ trasport b’modi differenti, per eżempju bil-baħar, u biex iżid l-ispazji pubbliċi fit-toroq tagħna. Dan huwa l-unika mod kif intejjbu l-kwalita tal-arja, u fl-aħħar mill-aħħar is-saħħa tan-nies.”