During a press conference in front of Parliament on unethical behavior in politics, AD Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola said: “The case of the sale of the ‘Lowenbrau land’ brought to the fore the problem of people in politics who end up working with companies that previously they were supposed to regulate. This may mean that private interests are being prioritised and served to the detriment of the public interest. This case, amongst others, demonstrates the need to regulate the practice of ‘revolving doors’, where those in positions of power who are supposed to work in the public interest may end using information obtained from public office to the advantage of private interests. “
Alternattiva Demokratika Deputy Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo said: “These practices raise questions about whether politicians work in the interest of the country or of private interests. In this context AD continues to stress on the need of members of parliament to become full timers. Currently we have parliamentarians legislating on matters that may conflict with their professional interests. We have parliamentarians who in the morning work in different sectors, and in the evening they are supposed to legislate to regulate those same sectors. Whose interests are they serving?”
“Parliament is currently discussing the Bill on Standards in Public Life. AD feels that it is a shame that such crucial legislation is still pending. Moreover, the draft excludes completely the problem of conflicts of interest as a result of lobbying, and the conflict between personal interests and the national interest. AD demands the immediate regulation of these questionable practices.”
Il-politici u t-tahlit ta’ interessi privati u pubblici
Waqt konferenza stampa quddiem il-Parlament dwar imgiba mhux etika fil-politika, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Prof. Arnold Cassola qal:”Il-kaz tal-bejgh tal-art tal-Lowenbrau kixef il-problema ta’ nies fil-politika li jispiccaw jahdmu ma’ kumpaniji li qabel suppost kienu jirregolaw. Dan qed jispicca jaghti vantagg lill-interessi privati ghas-skapitu tal-interessi tal-pajjiz. Dan il-kaz, fost kazijiet ohra, juri l-bzonn li tigi regolata l-prattika ta’ ‘revolving doors’, fejn min suppost qed jahdem favur l-interess pubbliku jista’ jispicca jahdem ghal interessi privati u jista’ jispicca juza informazzjoni li jkun kiseb minn kariga pubbliku fl-livelli gholjin ghal vantagg ta’ interessi privati.”
Id-Deputat Chairperson ta’ AD, Carmel Cacopardo qal:”Dawn il-prattici jqajjmu mistoqsijiet dwar jekk il-politici ikunux qed jahdmu fl-interess tan-nies u tal-pajjiz jew fl-interess ta’ privati. F’dan il-kuntest l-Alternattiva Demokratiku tkompli tishaq fuq il-htiega ta’ membri parlamentari maltin li jkunu full time biex ma jkomplix jigri dak li qed jigri bhalissa, fejn membri parlamentari jillegizlaw dwar materji li jistghu jkunu f’kunflitt mal-pozizzjoni u l-interessi professjonali taghhom.”
“Il-Parlament bhalissa qed jiddiskuti l-Abbozz tal-Ligi dwar l-iStandards fil-Hajja Pubblika. Alternattiva Demokratika thoss li huwa ta’ ghajb li legizlazzjoni krucjali bhal din thalliet fuq l-ixkaffa tul dawn l-ahhar sentejn. Minbarra dan, l-abbozz jeskludi ghal kollox il-problema ta’ dawn il-kunflitti ta’ interess rizultat ta’ lobbying, u tal-kunflitt bejn l-interessi personali u l-interess nazzjonali. Alternattiva Demokratika tishaq dwar regolamentazzjoni immedjata ta’ dawn il-prattici dubjuzi.”