President’s Forum on Constitution should be representative of Society

Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy, said: “While AD
believes that the Maltese Constitution needs to be revised and
appreciates the President’s initiative to set up a forum to discuss
these reforms, AD believes that the composition of this forum should
be wider to reflect today’s diverse society.  Malta’s Constitution
draws together a set of principles which form the legislative
framework of the country and which pertain to the whole society.
Therefore it is very disappointing to note that the forum could be
much more representative of Maltese society.”

Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, AD Deputy Chairperson said: “Although the
forum is made up of persons who can give a valid contribution to the
discussion, AD believes that in order for the discussion to the
productive and to lead to effective changes, the forum should have a
more wider representation of the various categories which make up
Maltese society. This would include people who adhere to alternative
ideologies to those which are dominant in society, civil society
activists, women, young people, workers, persons with disability and
various other minorities.  AD asks why so many social categories been
excluded from a forum entrusted with such an important project for our

Il-Forum tal-President fuq il-Kostituzzjoni ghandu jirrapprezenta

Angele Deguara, Kelliema tal-AD ghall-Politika Socjali, qalet:
“Filwaqt li l-AD temmen li hemm bzonn revizjoni tal-Kostituzzjoni ta’
Malta u taprezza l-inizjattiva tal-President li waqqaf forum apposta
biex jiddiskuti dawn ir-riformi, AD temmen li l-kompozizzjoni ta’ dan
il-forum ghandha tkun ferm iktar wiesgha sabiex tirrifletti s-socjeta’
ta’ zminijietna. Il-Kostitutzzjoni ta’ Malta hija dik il-ligi li
tigbor fiha sett ta’ principji li fuqhom jimxi l-pajjiz u li tolqot
is-socjeta’ Maltija kollha. Ghalhekk huwa dizappuntanti ferm li tara
forum li jista’ jkun hafna aktar raprezentattiv tas-socjeta’ Maltija”.

Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, Deputat Chairperson tal-AD, qalet: “Ghalkemm
il-forum huwa maghmul minn persuni li jistghu jaghtu kontribut siewi
fid-diskussjoni, l-AD temmen li biex verament issir diskussjoni
produttiva li tista’ twassal ghal bidliet effettivi, il-forum ghandu
jkollu rapprezentanza aktar wiesgha tad-diversi kategoriji li
jiffurmaw is-socjeta’ Maltija. Din tinkludi persuni li jhaddnu
ideologiji li jmorru lil’hinn minn dawk dominanti, attivisti
fis-socjeta’ civili, nisa, zghazagh, haddiema, persuni b’dizabilita’ u
minoranzi varji  L-AD tistaqsi ghalfejn minn forum inkarigat minn
progett daqstant importanti ghal pajjizna gew eskluzi tant
identitajiet u kategoriji socjali.”
