AD reiterates: Mallia must go and so must Kurt Farrugia … as a start


Assuming that the phone transcripts released by the PN media are authentic, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “We reiterate that Manuel Mallia must be forced to resign. By 9.15 pm on that fateful evening he had communicated with his driver and he knew that Shehan had shot at body level. Yet, together with the Prime Minister’s aide Kurt Farrugia, he concocted a fairy tale whereby he declared that he had not spoken to his driver and then that the shots had only been fired in the air. Since the Minister has proved himself to be a big liar, after the firing of the bullet shots, it is time for the Minister to be fired now. The Prime Minister’s aide should join him immediately until further responsibilities are ascertained. In the meantime, for the sake of truth and transparency, the PN should provide the enquiring Judges and magistrate with the original tapes of the telephone conversations”.

The new revelations and the investigative stories by the independent media in the past weeks only stregthen the argument that Manuel Mallia is not fit to occupy the position of Minister.

Wara t-traskrizzjonijiet tat-telefonati li hargu – li AD qed tassumi li huma awtentici u veritieri -, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “Intennu li Manuel Mallia
jrid jigi mnehhi minn Ministru. Sad-9.15 p.m. fil-lejl tal-isparatura kien ikkomunika max-xufier tieghu u kien jaf li Shehan kien spara fil-baxx u mhux fl-ajru. Madankollu, flimkien mal-assistent tal-Prim Ministru Kurt Farrugia, bena hrafa fejn iddikjara li ma kienx kellem lix-xufier u li l-balal kienu sparati fl-ajru. La issa hu ppruvat li l-Ministru gideb bil-kbir, il-Ministru ghandu jitkecca u
l-assistent tal-Prim Ministru ghandu jitnehha wkoll sakemm jigu accertati responsabbiltajiet ohrajn. Sadattant, f’gieh il-verita’ u t-trasparenza, il-PN ghandu jghaddi lill-Magistrat u lill-Imhallfin li qed jaghmlu l-inkjesti it-tapes originali tal-konverzazzjonijiet telefonici”.

Ir-revelazzjonijiet godda flimkien mal-istejjer investigattivi fil-gurnali indipendenti tul l-ahhar gimghat jsahhu l-argument li Manwel Mallia mhux denju li jokkupa l-kariga ta’ Ministru.
