Monique Agius, AD spokesperson on Civil Rights, said: “For years on end now, we were promised that such tragedies will be curbed. These have proven to be empty words. Malta and Italy are doing their part, but the EU cannot sit down and wait. We must now pass form the level of discussion to action at a European level. And we will support such efforts as long as the human rights of people trying to cross over are protected.”
“Given that the situation has deteriorated so much in Libya, migrants have no option but to risk such perilous journeys to escape from the danger to their lives even in Libya, in search of better future. Thus we feel the need that diplomatic effort should increase. Although stability and nation building processes will take their due time, this cannot be done at the expense of human life.”
“Whilst we recognize and thank the all those involved in the search and rescue missions, we believe that such missions should be increased and more funds should be channeled to such missions. We have to increase our efforts and crack down on human smuggling and trafficking which is taking place but this should not go without placing the right structures in place in intermediate countries with which it would ensure that those entitled for protection are granted protection and a safe passage”.
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “There is a dire need to open dialogue with those countries from where migrants originate. The EU and the international community should set up structures in these countries to allow for Visa applications in the country of origin, thus allowing legal entries into Europe, rather than the present risky irregular migration. Such a situation needs to be addressed both with short term and long term goals rather than just paying lip service to the cause.”