Il-konverzjoni tal-Enemalta f’kumpanija minn korporazzjoni pubblika ma tfisser xejn ghajr il-bidu tal-process ta’ privatizazzjoni tal-produzzjoni tal-energija.
Ralph Cassar, kelliem dwar l-energija, l-industrija u t-trasport zied:”Minkejja r-retorika kollha tal-Prim Ministru, il-haddiema tal-Enemalta qed jigu trattati bl-istess mod bhal mal-PN ittratta lill-haddiema tat-tarzna – iwieghed mod u jaghmel mod iehor.”
“Hemm diversi mistoqsijiet li ghadhom ma twegbux: x’se tkun l-influwenza tas-sidien il-godda tal-Enemalta fuq l-politika energetika tal-Gvern? L-interessi ta’ min se jigu l-ewwel? Tal-pubbliku, tal-ambjent u tal-ekonomija lokali? Jew ta’ wiehed mis-sidien principali huwa l-Gvern Ciniz? Huwa wkoll ta’ ghajb kif il-GWU waqghet fil-muta, u qed tiehu attitudni ta’ servilizmu lejn Joseph Muscat minflok tiddefendi l-interessi tal-membri taghha.”
Ralph Cassar appella lill-Gvern biex jaghmel il-politika tieghu dwar l-energija cara. “Il-Gvern mhux interessat li jesplora mezzi godda u nodfa ta’ generazzjoni tal-energija. Filwaqt li madwar id-dinja l-energija mir-rih qed tiehu spinta u hija l-aktar sors ta’ energija nadifa zviluppata, l-Ministru Konrad Mizzi kontra kull logika jghidilna li l-energija mir-rih mhux vijabbli – affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux. L-unika haga li hija cara hija li l-Gvern qed ibiegh
is-sovranita fuq l-energija lil pajjizi terzi.”
The change from a public corporation to a company means the privatization of Enemalta and of the electricity sector.
Ralph Cassar, spokesperson on energy, industry and transport added:”Despite all his rhetoric and promises Prime Minister Muscat is treating Enemalta workers in the same way PN had treated shipyard
workers in the recent past. Muscat says one thing and does the opposite.”
“There remains various unanswered questions regarding the new company: what is the influence of the new shareholders on Government policy in the energy sector? Whose interests will they defend? Those of the
public, the environment and the local economy or those of the Chinese Government? It is also a shame that the GWU is taking a servile attitude towards Muscat instead of defending the interests of its members.”
Ralph Cassar appealed to Government to make its plans and policies in the energy sector clear. “Government is not interested in exploring and investing in new and clean sources of energy. We have had Minister
Konrad Mizzi telling us that wind energy is not viable – this goes contrary to logic, it is a known fact that wind energy is one of the most developed clean energy source. The only thing which is clear is that this Government is selling our energy sovreingnity to the Chinese government.”