Hands off referenda, says AD

Photo - Maltatoday
Photo – Maltatoday

When commenting on the result of the spring referendum, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “We would like to thank all those who cast their vote in this popular exercise in participatory democracy. In particular, we salute the 49.6% of the Maltese and Gozitan population who cast their vote against the retention of the derogation for spring hunting in our country, thus going against the IVA vote as indicated by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Opposition leader Simon Busuttil.”

“AD would also like to thank the eNGOs that accepted our invitation to work together towards this historic referendum.”

“The result is clear: the referendum has been won by the IVA faction. This however does not authorize either Kathleen Grima or Joe Perici Calascione to play about with and curtail acquired democratic rights won by the Maltese citizens. These two, together with Parliamentary Secretary Michael Falzon, have already declared that they will be suggesting amendments to the referendum act, with the intention of curtailing the rights of citizens to call for an abrogative referendum.”

“Our reaction is very clear: Hands off our Referenda. The people of Malta have fought over the years to widen participative democracy in our country. The abrogative referendum has already many limitations attached to it. Any further attempt at restricting it can only be meant as a means of suppressing the democratic will of the people.”

F’kumment li ta dwar ir-rizultat tar-referendum dwar il-kacca fir-rebbiegha, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il- Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “Nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lil dawk kollha li marru jivvutaw f’dan l-ezercizzju demokratiku dirett mill-poplu. B’mod partikolari insellmu lil dawk id-49.6% tal-Maltin u l-Ghawdxin li vvutaw kontra z-zamma tad-deroga ghall-kacca fir-rebbiegha f’pajjizna, u li marru kontra l-vot favur l-IVA, kif indikaw li ser jivvutaw il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat u l-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni Simon Busuttil.”

“AD tirringrazzja wkoll lill-eNGOs li laqghu l-istedina taghna u li hdimna flimkien biex sar dan ir-referendum storiku.”

“Ir-rizultat huwa car: ir-referendum intrebah mill- moviment IVA. Madanakollu dan ma jawtorizza la lil Kathleen Grima u lanqas lil Joe Perici Calascione li jippruvaw jilghabu bid-drittijiet demokratici li akkwistaw ic-cittadini Maltin. Dawn it-tnejn, flimkien mas-Segretarju Parlamentari Michael Falzon, diga’ ddikjaraw li se jkunu qed jissuggerixu emendi fl-att dwar ir-referenda, bl-intenzjoni li jnaqqru d-drittijiet tac-cittadini biex isejhu referendum abrogattiv.”

“Ir-reazzjoni taghna hija cara hfna: Tmissux ir-referenda. Il-poplu ta’ Malta iggieled matul is-snin biex iwessa’ d-demokrazija partecipattiva f’pajjizna. Ir-referendum abrogattiv diga’ ghandu hafna limitazzjonijiet. Jekk naghmlu aktar restrizzjonijiet, dan ma jkunx ghajr mezz biex taghlaq halq il-poplu u ma thallihx jesprimi r-rieda tieghu.”
