Report recommending parliamentary reform, a good basis for discussion

Photo: Times of Malta
Photo: Times of Malta

Alternattiva Demokratika has taken note of the contents of the Report entitled “Recommended Remuneration Mechanism for Holders of Political Office” drawn up by the Ombudsman, the Auditor General and the Chief Electoral Commissioner.

It considers that the report seen as a whole constitutes a good basis for discussion not just on the remuneration to be paid to Holders of Political Office but also for the reform of the House of Representatives which is long overdue.
Prof Arnold Cassola, Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green Party’s Chairperson, added that representatives of AD had met with the authors of the report which, it is noted, includes a number of AD’s proposals.
In particular AD, added Prof Cassola notes with satisfaction that the report takes on board an AD 2013 Electoral Manifesto pledge on having full time parliament.
Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairperson stated that it is essential that Members of Parliament take up a full time role as this is the only way in which they can carry out their primary duty, that of holding government to account.
Cacopardo added that the report also refers to another AD proposal on the need for parliament to operate during family friendly hours. Cacopardo concluded that it is necessary that the report is debated in its entirety. It is not acceptable to pick and choose from the proposals submitted.
Alternattiva Demokratika innotat il-kontenut tar-rapport intitolat “Recommended Remuneration Mechanism for Holders of Political Office” imhejji mill-Ombudsman, l-Awditur Generali u l-Kummissarju Elettorali Principali.
AD tikkunsidra illi meta wiehed jikkonsidra ir-rapport fit-totalita’ tieghu dan iservi bhala bazi tajba ghal diskussjoni mhux biss dwar ir-rimunerazzjoni tal-politici imma anke dwar ir-riforma tal-Parlament li ilha hafna zmien fuq l-ixkaffa.
Prof Arnold Cassola Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, zied jghid li rapprezentanti ta’ AD iltaqghu mal-awturi tar-rapport li, gie innutat illi inkluda diversi proposti ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika. B’mod partikolari, qal il-Prof Cassola, AD tinnota b’sodisfazzjon li ir-rapport jaghmel tieghu weghda fil-manifest elettorali tal-elezzjoni 2013 ta’ AD dwar il-htiega li l-Parliament ikun wiehed full-time.
Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson ta’ AD qal li hu essenzjali li l-Membri tal-Parlament jiddedikaw il-hin kollu taghhom ghall-hidma Parlamentari ghax dan huwa l-uniku mod kif jistghu jwettqu r-responsabbilta ewlenija taghhom: li jgharblu l-hidma tal-Gvern. Cacopardo zied jghid li r-rapport jirreferi ukoll ghal proposta ohra ta’ AD li tishaq fuq il-htiega li l-Parlament jiltaqa’ f’hinijiet li ma jkunux skomdi ghall-familji.
Cacopardo ikkonkluda li huwa necdessarju li r-rapport ikun diskuss fit-totalita’ tieghu. M’huwiex accettabbli li jkun hemm min jiddiskuti biss partijiet minnu u jhalli barra dak li ma jinzillux.