PR 09-12-2013 Luxembourg Greens in Government / PR 09-12-2013 Il-Greens tal-Lussemburgu fil-Gvern

After so many years of Christian Democrat and Socialist government coalition, the Luxembourg Green party is now part of the country’s new government. Prof.Arnold Cassola, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, said: “Hearty congratulations to the Luxembourg Greens who have three ministers and a secretary of state as from 4 December 2013. This is a truly historic moment not only for the Luxembourg Greens but also for the whole of the European Green political family.”

Wara tant snin ta’ Gvern ta’ koalizzjoni bejn id-Demokristjani u s-Soċjalisti, Il-partit tal-Greens issa huwa parti mill-gvern ġdid tal-pajjiż.  Prof. Arnold Cassola, iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, qal: “Nifirħu mill-qalb lill-Greens tal-Lussemburgu li għandhom tliet ministri u segretarju tal-istat mill-4 ta’ Diċembru 2013. Dan huwa tassew mument storiku mhux biss għall-Greens tal-Lussemburgu imma għall-familja politika kollha tal-Ħodor Ewropej.”
