PN, PL and secret meetings with Armier squatters

In a press conference in front of the Office of the Prime Minister, Alternattiva Demokratika the Green Party said that Armier should be given back to the public.

Michael Briguglio AD Chairperson said: “Armier should be given back to the public, and all illegal boathouses should be removed. The Prime Minister should call a spade a spade and declare that no more usurpation of public land will be allowed in Armier and other areas. Labour should break its silence and support such a policy. AD’s election in parliament will ensure that the issue is on the agenda. You know where we stand”.

Carmel Cacopardo, Deputy Chairperson and spokesperson on sustainable development and home affairs said that the current situation as a result of which boathouses at Armier which utilised for habitation during the summer months and built on public land without permits is the result of the complicity of politicians holding public office during the past 40 years. They turned a blind eye when public land was taken over abusively and acted as if nothing unusual had happened.

Secret meetings on the eve of general elections to find a formula so that those who illegally took over public land retained its ownership aggravates the situation.

AD – The Green Party, added Cacopardo is of the opinion that there are two issues which have to be considered. The first is the Marfa Action Plan published by MEPA for public consultation 10 years ago which draft plan tackles in an holistic manner the area known as l-Ahrax tal-Mellieha emphasising the need to rehabilitate a number of areas and how different areas should be protected. The second is on how boathouses built on public land should be demolished and removed and the Marfa Action Plan proposal to built beachrooms in their stead in five zones proposed by MEPA.

Cacopardo concluded by stating that AD is of the opinion that the boathouses should be removed forthwith and that it is not necessary to build beachrooms instead considering the close proximity of practically all residential areas to the sea. It is essential that those who took into their possession illegally public property are not rewarded.



L-Armier lura f’idejn il-pubbliku.

F’konferenza stampa quddiem l-Ufficcju tal-Prim Ministru, Alternattiva Demokratika qalet li l-Armier ghandu jinghata lura lill-pubbliku..

Michael Briguglio Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika qal : “L-Armier ghandu jinghata lura lill-pubbbliku u l-boathouses illegali ghandhom jitwaqqghu minnufih. Il-Prim Ministru m’ghandux jibqa’ jilghab bil-kliem u ghandu jiddikjara li hadd m’hu ser jibqa’ jithalla jaqbad u jiehu f’idejh art pubblika minghajr awtorizzazzjoni la fl-Armier u l-anqas f’zoni ohra. Il-Partit Laburista ghandu jikser is-silenzju u jappogga politika ta’ din ix-xorta. L-elezzjoni ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika fil-Parlament tassigura li din il-materja tkun fuq l-agenda tal-pajjiz. Maghna taf fejn qieghed.”

Carmel Cacopardo,  Deputat Chairperson u kelliemi ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika ghall-izvilupp sostenibbli u l-intern qal li l-qaghda attwali tal-Armier b’boathouses uzati ghall-abitazzjoni fis-sajf u mibnija  fuq art pubblika bla permess hi rizultat ta’ komplicita tal-politici fit-tmexxija ghal dawn l-ahhar 40 sena li ghalqu ghajnejhom ghall-abbuz kontinwu b’art pubblika li insterqet u thalliet tintuza qisu xejn m’hu xejn.

Il-laqghat sigrieti lejliet l-elezzjonijiet generali biex tinstab formola kif din l-art pubblika li insterqet tibqa’ f’idejn min seraqha taghmel is-sitwazzjoni hafna iktar gravi.

Alternattiva Demokratika zied Cacopardo jidhrilha li hemm zewg issues separati li wiehed ghandu jiffoka fuqhom. L-ewwel il-Marfa Action Plan ippubblikat mill-MEPA ghal konsultazzjoni pubblika 10 snin ilu u li jhares lejn l-Ahrax tal-Mellieha b’mod olistiku b’emfasi fuq kif iz-zona tista’ tigi riabilitata u kif ghandha tinghata l-protezzjoni mehtiega l-oqsma differenti. It-tieni kif ghandhom jitnehhew il-boathouses mibnija fuq art pubblika misruqa u kif minflokhom skont il-Marfa Action Plan (meta approvat) ghandhom jinbnew il-beachrooms fil-hames zoni proposti mill-MEPA.

Cacopardo ikkonkluda billi qal li AD hi tal-opinjoni li l-boathouses ghandhom jitwaqqghu minnufih u li mhux necessarju li tibni kmamar hdejn il-bahar in vista tal-fatt li prattikament iz-zoni residenzjali kollha huma vicin tal-bahar. Fuq kollox hu essenzjali li min seraq art pubblika ma jkunx ippremjat.

