Alternattiva Demokratika mhix sorpriża bid-deċizjoni li tkun approvata l-applikazzjoni għall-iżvilupp masiċċ f’Pembroke. Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokatika.
“Il-Gvern”, kompla jgħid Carmel Cacopardo,”ilu li wera l-appoġġ inkundizzjonat tiegħu favur il-proġett tal-grupp db sa minn meta ftehem biex jagħtihom l-art bi ħlas miżeru. Issa żdiedet il-wegħda li jerfa’ l-piż tal-mina li mingħajrha l-proġett ftit li xejn jista’ jkun vijabbli.”
“Il-Bord tal-Awtorita’ tal-Ippjanar, kif kostitwit preżentement, ilu żmien li wera l-insensittivita’ tiegħu għall-impatti fuq in-nies. F’dan is-sens id-deċiżjoni tal-lum kienet waħda minn sensiela u prevedibbli għall-aħħar.”
“Hi ħasra”, temm jgħid Cacopardo,”li fil-konfront ta’ proġetti ta’ dan il-kobor l-awtoritajiet repetutament urew li mhux kapaċi jiddefendu l-interessi u l-kwalita’ tal-ħajja taż-żgħir.”
Pembroke: Authorities in favour of the few, instead of defending interests of the many
Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party is not surprised at all with today’s decision by the Planning Authority to approve the massive development in Pembroke. AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo was commenting on the db Group’s project on the former ITS site.
“Government”, said Carmel Cacopardo,”has long shown that it is totally and unconditionally in favour of such a massive project. It gave away public land for an irrisory price. What’s more, Government has also promised to build a tunnel for traffic, without which the project will not be viable. Government is paying out money for the sake of private profit, at the expense of the community.”
“The present Planning Authority board has repeatedly shown gross insensitivity towards the impacts of massive projects on people. Today’s decision follows their usual line of reasoning and as such is not surprising.”
“It is a real shame”, concluded Cacopardo,”tht when it comes to massive costruction and speculative projects, authorities have repeatedly favoured the interests of the powerful few, while proving incapable or unwilling of defending the interests and quality of life of the many.”