Parole: AD calls for proper enforcement of new legislation

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party called for proper enforcement on
new parole legislation, in order to ensure that rights of eligible inmates
are guaranteed.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “Alternattiva Demokratika – The
Green Party is concerned about the calls made by Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl on the
authorities’ bypassing of procedures of the Restorative Justice Act, which
came into force some weeks ago. Hence rights of inmates eligible for parole
are not being guaranteed. We appeal to the respective authorities to make
sure that respective inmates can apply for this legal right and that the
necessary boards and committees to establish eligibility to parole are set
in place”.

Angele Deguara, AD Spokesperson for Social Policy, said, “The inmates of
Corradino Correctional Facility are people who might have acted against the
interest of society but they should still be treated with dignity and
respect. The shoddy way in which parole legislation was introduced
reflects a prison system which needs a total revision so that the
correctional services will be able to eventually live up to their name”.

In the meantime, AD expressed its disappointment that an official request
sent weeks ago to Corradino Correctional Facility for an official visit by
a party delegation, has to date remained unanswered.
