AD will be taking part in the Orlando Vigil

TOPSHOT - A gay pride flag is seen at a memorial after a vigil outside the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts for the mass shooting victims at the Pulse nightclub June 13, 2016 in Orlando, Florida. The American gunman who launched a murderous assault on a gay nightclub in Orlando was radicalized by Islamist propaganda, officials said Monday, as they grappled with the worst terror attack on US soil since 9/11. / AFP / Brendan Smialowski (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)

Alternattiva Demokratika – the Green Party will be taking part in the vigil in honour and memory of the Orlando victims tonight.

Alternattiva Demokratika spokesperson on Civil Rights, Disability and Social issues, Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, said: “Alternattiva Demokratika will be there because we are against any sort of violence and intolerance against minority groups.  The. Orlando shooting has shown that there is still a lot of prejudice against minorities. We will continue striving for a world where all people are to be treated as equals irrespective of beliefs, colour, race or gender orientation”.

Velja għal Orlando

Alternattiva Demokratika-The Green Party ser tieħu sehem illejla fil-velja ad unur u b’tifkira tal-vittmi ta’ Orlando.

Il-Kelliema ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika dwar Drittijiet Civili, Diżabiita’ u l-Qasam soċjali, Dr Claire Azzopardi Lane, qalet: “Aħna ser inkunu hemm għaliex aħna kontra kull tip ta’ vjolenza u intolleranza kontra gruppi minoritarji.  Il-qtil f’Orlando wera li għad hawn ħafna preġudizzji kontra gruppi  minoritarji.  Aħna nkomplu naħdmu għal dinja fejn in-nies kollha għandhom jiġu ttrattati ta’ ugwali, indipendentement mit-twemmin, kulur, razza jew orjentament sesswali tagħhom”.
