ADPD – The Green Party welcomes the publication of the document on the regional development of Gozo – The Gozo Regional Development Strategy.
ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson and candidate for the European Parliament Sandra Gauci said: “From our first observations of the strategy it seems that the document confirms what we have been emphasizing on all along: the need for reform of the local plans, in this case that of Gozo. The rationalization exercise of 2006 needs to be reversed and without much delay a moratorium should be introduced on large residential building projects. The fact that the census clearly shows that 45% of residential property in Gozo is empty or rarely used should ring the regulatory authorities’ alarm bells. The fact that so far it seems that no action has been taken shows without a doubt that regulatory authorities are not effective. Pedestrianisation of village cores should be prioritized, reclaiming streets for people.”
“If these decisions are not taken expeditiously there is the risk that the valid proposals in the strategy will remain, once again, simply on paper. Serious investment is needed in clean transport, such as pedelecs. This means safer roads that really serve people’s needs. It also seems that the Government has at last realised what we have been saying all along, that the tunnel project between Malta and Gozo does not make sense. It will not solve any problems but create new ones, it will increase traffic and pollution in Gozo and render Gozo an extension of Malta.”
ADPD – The Green Party Secretary General and candidate for the European Parliament Ralph Cassar said that he hopes that Minister Clint Camilleri has the will and the political appetite to push forward the ecological transformation of Gozo.
“The use of technology in agriculture is a challenge that requires a lot of training and attention because we are not used to this type of technology in this rather traditional field. But it is an important challenge that we need to face, for the better use of water resources, and for a more sustainable agriculture. For an effective and modern transformation of the Gozitan economy, digitization is essential, as well as an effective circular economy, efficiency in energy use and zero-carbon renewable energy. The exclusive use of green technology is key to this transformation.”
“Gozo should be the first region in Malta to generate all its electricity from renewable energy sources by the year 2030. This will mean that Gozo will reach its targets far before Malta, but also that specialized green jobs are created on the island.”
It seems that the Government has finally started to talk sensibly about serious planning. More details are needed, and we expect clear targets to be established. Talk is not enough, we sincerely hope that Government passes from words to action.
Dwar Għawdex il-Gvern ġie fi kliemna
ADPD – The Green Party jilqa’ l-pubblikazzjoni tad-dokument dwar l-iżvilupp reġjonali ta’ Għawdex – The Gozo Regional Development Strategy.
Iċ-Chairperson u kandidata għall-Parlament Ewropew ta’ ADPD – The Green Party qalet:”Mill-ewwel osservazzjonijiet tagħna tal-istrateġija jidher li d-dokument jikkonferma dak li aħna ilna nisħqu fuqu s-snin. Jikkonferma li hemm bżonn riforma tal-pjanijiet lokali, f’dal-każ dak ta’ Għawdex. Hemm bżonn li jitreġġa lura l-pjan ta’ razzjonalizazzjoni tal-2006 u li bla wisq dewmien ikun introdott moratorju fuq proġetti kbar ta’ bini residenzjali. Il-fatt li r-rapport taċ-ċensiment dwar il-propjetà residenzjali juri ċar li 45% tal-propjetà residenzjali f’Għawdex hi vojta inkella rari użata għandu jixgħel il-bozza l-ħamra tal-awtoritajiet regolatorji. Il-fatt li s’issa jidher li din il-bozza l-ħamra għad ma nxtegħlitx juri bla dubju li l-awtoritajiet regolatorji mhux jaħdmu kif meħtieġ. Irridu naraw sforz lejn pedestrijanizazzjoni fl-irħula, fejn il-pjazez jingħataw lura lin-nies.”
“Jekk ma jittieħdux dawn id-deċiżjonijiet allura r-riskju hu li l-proposti validi li hemm fl-istrateġija jibqgħu, għal darb’oħra, fuq il-karta. Hemm bżonn investiment serju fi trasport nadif, bħal pedelecs. Dan ifisser toroq aktar sikuri li jaqdu verament il-ħtiġijiet tan-nies. Jidher ukoll li l-Gvern ġie fi kliemna u nduna li l-proġett tal-mina bejn Malta u Għawdex ma jagħmilx sens, iżid it-traffiku u t-tniġġis f’Għawdex u jrendi lil Għawdex estensjoni ta’ Malta.”
Is-Segretarju Ġenerali u kandidat għall-Parlament Ewropew ta’ ADPD – The Green Party, Ralph Cassar qal li jispera li l-Ministru Clint Camilleri għandu r-rieda u l-aptit politiku li jimbotta b’kemm għandu saħħa t-trasformazzjoni ekoloġika ta’ Għawdex ‘il quddiem.
“L-użu tat-teknoloġija fl-agrikultura hija sfida li teħtieġ ħafna taħriġ u attenzjoni għax mhux imdorrijin b’dit-tip ta’ teknoloġija f’qasam pjuttost tradizzjonali. Iżda hija sfida importanti li niffaċċjaw għal użu aħjar tar-riżorsi tal-ilma, u għal agrikultura aktar sostenibbli. Fl-industrija, għal trasformazzjoni vera u moderna tal-ekonomija Għawdxija hemm bżonn diġitalizazzjoni, ekonomija ċirkolari effettiva, effiċjenza fl-użu tal-enerġija u enerġija żero-karbonju, flimkien ma’ użu esklussiv ta’ teknoloġija ħadra.”
“Għawdex għandu jkun l-ewwel reġjun f’Malta li sas-sena 2030 jiġġenera l-elettriku kollu tiegħu minn sorsi rinovabbli ta’ enerġija. Dan mhux biss ifisser li Għawdex jilħaq il-miri ferm qabel Malta, imma li jinħoloq xogħol speċjalizzat fil-gżira.”
Jidher li l-Gvern beda sa fl-aħħar jitkellem bis-sens fuq pjanar serju. Hemm bżonn aktar dettalji u miri li jinżammu. Nistennew u naraw jekk mill-kliem il-Gvern hux se jgħaddi għall-fatti.