Dear member,
Since I have received a nominations for all posts in the party executive, the Annual General Meeting will be held as follows:
Osborne Hotel, Triq Nofsinhar, Valletta
Saturday 15 June 2013
1. Appointment of meeting’s chairperson
2. Approval of previous meeting’s minutes
3. Appointment of Electoral Commission and Presentation of candidates for executive committee
4. Report about the party’s work by Secretary General
5. Treasurer’s report
6. Discussion on Motions and/or amendments to statute
7. Voting for executive committee.
8. Closing address by party’s Chairperson
I’m sure that the discussion during the meeting will continue strengthening our party. Due to the postponement of the AGM, nominations for executive committee will remain open (Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General, Treasurer, PRO, International Secretary and executive committee members) together with proposals for motions and amendments to the statute. These can be sent by email to info@alternattiva.org.mt up to
Thursday 13th June at 10pm.
Attendees who have still not done so must renew and pay their membership dues of 15 Euros to participate and vote during the AGM.
Your membership dues for 2013 can be paid during the meeting.
Please confirm your attendance on info@alternattiva.org.mt or ralph.cassar@alternattiva.org.mt.
Updates about the AGM will be posted on the electronic group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Alternattiva. It is strongly advised that you join this group to keep yourself up to date and informed of party activities, policies and statements.
Ralph Cassar – Secretary General