ADPD – The Green Party candidate Brian Decelis said that Labour have not surprised anyone with their latest flip flop regards their blatant vote catching exercise in relation to their announcement today regards their about turn on the proposed Marsaskala Marina. “While ADPD were opposed from the outset and these sentiments were echoed by many residents and various NGOs, the right decision has been taken. For now. ADPD asks how do the electorate know that on re-election government, will not once again turn to a new feasibility study and reinstate their misguided plans once more?”
ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said that the main point is that the current announcement should be seen for what it is, and that is a vote catching exercise in the district where there were major objections across the board to the plans which were being defended all the way by the Minister Ian Borg. “People power has prevailed, but ask yourself this, had your vote not been on the line do you think that the governing party would have taken the right decision for the area when their track record of developing and clearing green spaces, nature and trees is apparent across the whole country.”
Robert Abela should be aware of this quote attributed to the Cree Indians ‘Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money’.
The announcements of ‘refunds’ of your own tax money is more of the same tactic to garner votes. We want to see tax money spent for better public services and a better quality of life for all, with the focus on the vulnerable. The more of us that are aware that the people who are handing us back our money and our untouched sea are the ones who took it from us in the first place the brighter the future will be, and we will demand a better, cleaner and more honourable way of doing things in government.
“ADPD has always been at the forefront of ensuring that citizens’ rights are safeguarded and, through the right policies, we can bring about the necessary changes so that our country will not only be considered to be trustworthy internationally but also more liveable for each and every one of us. Keep in mind that, if you stick to your usual voting pattern, then do not expect a different outcome in the way this country is governed over the next five years. Think about this: if you vote as usual, you will get the usual results.”
Id-deċiżjoni tal-Labour dwar Marsaskala mhix sorpriż
Il-kandidat tal-ADPD – The Green Party Brian Decelis qal li l-aħħar eżerċizzju purament propagandistiku mill-Labour dwar il-proposta ta’ marina f’Marsaskala ma kien ta’ sorpriża għal ħadd. “Filwaqt li ADPD opponiet mill-bidu nett dan il-proġett, kif kien anke sostnut minn ħafna residenti u NGOs, id-deciżjoni għaqlija li dan jitwaqqaf ittieħdet. Għalissa. Imma kif jistgħu il-votanti jkun ċerti li hekk kif jerġa jkun elett fil-gvern, ma jkunx hemm xi studju ġdid u li dawk il-pjanijiet bla sens jerġgħu jiġu kkunsidrati?”
Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Carmel Cacopardo qal li dak li ġie mħabbar ilbieraħ għandu jiġi kkunsidrat biss bħala eżerċizzju biex jattira l-voti f’distrett fejn kien hemm oġġezzjonijiet kbar għal pjanijiet proposti minn kulħadd, filwaqt li il-Ministru Ian Borg baqa’ jisħaq li dawn kellhom jitwettqu. “Is-saħħa tal-poplu rebħet, imma wieħed għandu jistaqsi: kieku ma kienx hemm il-vot tiegħek fin-nofs, kieku il-partit fil-gvern kien sejjer jieħu din id-deċizjoni? U dan speċjalment meta wieħed jikkonsidra l-istorja li għandu dan il-gvern li jiżviluppa u jeqred spazji ħodor, natura u siġar tul il-pajjiż kollu.”
Infakkru lir- Robert Abela b’din il-kwotazzjoni tal-Indjani Cree: ‘Huwa biss meta tkun mietet l-aħħar siġra u ġiet vvelenata l-aħħar xmara u tkun inqabdet l-aħħar ħuta li nirrealizzaw li ma nistgħux nieklu il-flus!’
Anke ‘l hekk imsejħin “rifużjoni” tat-taxxi li ħallast inti stess huwa eserċizzju ieħor ta’ propaganda. Kien ikun aktar għaqli kieku it-taxxi tagħna jintefqu fuq servizzi pubbliċi li jassiguraw kwalita’ ta’ ħajja aħjar speċjalment għal dawk vulnerabbli. Hekk kif aktar nindunaw li dawk li qegħdin mingħalihom iroddulna lura flusna u l-ibħra tagħna huma l-istess nies li ħaduhom lilna, aktar tikber l-għajta għal governanza aħjar, iktar nadifa u etikament korretta.
“ADPD kienet minn dejjem minn ta’ quddiem biex tassigura li d-drittijiet taċ-ċittadini jiġu imħarsa, u bis-saħħa ta’ politika ġusta, jsiru dawk it-tibdiliet meħtieġa biex pajjiżna jsir mhux biss aktar fdat internazzjonalment imma ukoll joffri stil ta’ ħajja aħjar għal kull wieħed u waħda minnha. Kull votant għandu jżomm f’moħħu dan: jekk se tivvota ‘bħas-soltu’ mela tistenniex bidla fil-mod kif pajjiżna se jitmexxa fil-ħames snin li ġejjin. Aħsibha sew: jekk se tivvota ‘bħas-soltu’, se jkollok ir-riżultati tas-soltu!”