disability hub AD

No to a hub, yes to living in community

disability hub AD
Photo – Maltatoday

In a reaction yesterday’s government announcement, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “The opening this week of a residential home for persons with disability in the centre of Siggiewi, on the initiative of the Dar tal-Provvidenza, and the planned opening of another 9 centres of the same type in the near  future, is a most noteworthy project for all those who believe in the concept of independent living.  The government should continue on this track.

On the other hand, this is in deep contrast with the recently announced concept of a hub, totally concentrated in San Pawl tat-Targa. We agree with Joe Camilleri, former KNPD President, that the vision for this area should be that of integration into the community rather than  segregation from the rest of society, whatever the beauty and luxury of the surrounding environment. The place of people with a disability is in the community, and nt cut off from it, even if in a gilted environment.

Le għall-hub, iva għal ħajja fil-komunita’ tgħid AD

B’reazzjoni għat-tħabbbira tal-gvern ‘l bieraħ, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, l-Prof. Arnold Cassola qal: “Il-ftuh din il-ġimgħa ta’ dar residenzjali għall-persuni b’diżabbilta’ fiċ-ċentru tas-Siggiewi, fuq inizjattiva tad-Dar tal-Provvidenza, u d-9 djar oħra tal-istess tip ippjanati fil-futur qarib, huwa proġett ta’ fejda għal kull min jemmen fil-kunċett ta’ għixien awtonomu (independent living).  Tajjeb li l-Gvern jibqa’ miexi f’din it-triq.

Mill-banda l-oħra,  dana jikkuntrasta sew mal-kunċett ta’ hub għall-persuni b’diżabbilta’ kollu ikonċentrat f’San Pawl tat-Tarġa, kif imħabbar fil-budget.  Aħna naqblu mal-ex President tal/KNPD, Joe Camilleri li l-viżjoni f’dan il-qasam għandha tkun dik ta’ integrazzjoni fil-komunita’, u mhux ta’ segregazzjoni mill-bqija tas-soċjeta’, ikun kemm ikun sabiħ u lussuż il-hub.  Post in-nies b’diżabbilta’ huwa fil-komunita’ u mhux maqtugħa għal rashom, anki jekk f’ambjent imdieheb”.
