ADPD notes that although there is a need for sport facilities in localities, these should be built with the minimal environmental impact and on the least footprint possible. The new waterpolo pitch proposed in Marsaskala bay does not make any sense, when there is already another pitch in the Żonqor area as well as the abandoned public pool that was sold by Government to the Sadeen speculators.
This new development will result in building up part of the seabed, reduce coastal access to the public and potentially affect water quality in the nearby Magħluq wetland. Residential parking problems will also be exacerbated due to the location of the new pitch.
Government should return the land in Żonqor back to the public, including the former ‘national pool’ which should be refurbished in order to be used to train and develop aquatic sports in the locality and its surroundings.
M’hemmx bżonn aktar żvilupp f’Marsaskala – iż-Żonqor għandu jingħata lura lill-pubbliku
Fi stqarrija dwar il-pitch tal-Waterpolo f’Marsaskala, l-partit ADPD jinnota li filwaqt li hemm bżonn ta’ faċilitajiet sportivi fil-lokalitajiet, dawn għandhom jinbnew bl-inqas pressjoni possibbli fuq l-ambjent u l-ispazji miftuħa. Huwa ghalhekk li l-pitch propost fil-bajja ta’ Marsaskala ma jagħmilx sens, meta diġà kien hemm pitch fuq ix-xaqliba taż-Żonqor, kif ukoll il-pixxina li nbiegħat mill-Gvern lill-iżviluppatur Sadeen.
Dan l-iżvilupp żejjed se jwassal biex tinbena parti oħra mill-bajja, ittellef l-aċċess tal-pubbliku għall-kosta, u potenzjalment jaffettwa l-kwalità tal-ilma ġewwa r-riserva tal-Magħluq. Minħabba l-post fejn dan l-iżvilupp huwa propost, se jżid il-problema tal-parkeġġ għar-residenti.
Min biegħ l-art ta’ Żonqor lill-iżviluppaturi, għandu jagħtiha lura lin-nies, inkluż il-pixxina li għandha tiġi rinnovata biex tagħti lok għall-iżvilupp tat-talent fl-isport.