Names of PLPN candidates acting as agents on the passport scheme should be made public

Today, ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo reiterated the call for the immediate closure of the passport sales scheme, as also indicated in the party’s electoral manifesto launched yesterday.

ADPD has raised its objections to this scheme since its launch in 2014. Now it is more than evident why it is not acceptable.

Cacopardo stated that while the decision by Malta to suspend the processing of applications from Russian and Belarusian citizens is welcome, the lack of immediate action by the Government in this regard has put the country in a bad light.

At the same time, however, other measures are needed.

Since some of those who received their Maltese/EU passport may be a security threat not just to our country but also to our brethren within the EU it is imperative that the details of all these passport holders are handed over to Interpol.

Cacopardo noted that Robert Abela had renounced to his licence to sell passports as soon as he became PL leader. It is therefore now important that the political parties state whether its candidates have been screened and to state whether any are agents of this scheme.

This is necessary – indeed the public has a right to know, Cacopardo insisted. He therefore invited both the PL and the PN to publish such information if already in hand, or to collect it if not, and make it public.

None of the ADPD candidates are associated with the passport sales scheme in any manner.

“It is important that we are aware whether any candidate aspiring to become a Member of Parliament has any interest to maintain this scheme, since they hold a licence to sell passports”, concluded Cacopardo.


ADPD jitlob li tkun magħrufa liema huma dawk il-kandidati tal-PLPN li huma aġenti tal-iskema tal-bejgħ ta’ passaporti

Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Carmel Cacopardo reġa’ tenna s-sejħa għal li għamel ilbieraħ biex l-iskema tax-xiri tal-passaporti tiġi abrogata, kif hu anke inkluż fil-manifest elettorali li kien imniedi ilbieraħ stess.

ADPD ilha toġġezzjoni għal din l-iskema minn meta twaqqfet fl-2014. Issa saru evidenti aktar ir-raġunijiet għaliex din l-iskema hija ħażina.

Cacopardo qal li l-aħbar li Malta se tissospendi l-ipproċessar ta’ applikazzjonijiet minn Russi u Belarussi filwaqt, li hi aħbar tajba ittieħdet biss wara li n-nuqqas ta’ azzjoni immedjata mill-Gvern Malti laħaq għamlitilna ħafna ħsara.

Fl-istess waqt, iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party qal li hemm bżonn ukoll ta’ miżuri oħra.

Minħabba li uħud minn dawk li irċevew il-passaporti jistgħu jkunu ta’ theddida għas-sigurtà mhux tagħna biss iżda tal-kollegi tagħna pajjiżi imsieħba fl-Unjoni Ewropea hemm bżonn li d-dettalji kollha dwar dawn il-persuni jingħataw ukoll lill-Interpol.

Cacopardo qal li nafu li hekk kif Robert Abela sar kap tal-PL irrinunzja għal liċenzja li kellu biex hu ukoll ibiegħ il-passaporti. Issa hu floku wkoll li l-partiti politiċi l-oħra jgħidulna għamlux skrutinju jekk hemmx kandidati tagħhom li huma aġenti tal-passaporti.

Din hi neċessità – din hi informazzjoni li l-pubbliku għandu dritt għaliha, insista Cacopardo. Għalhekk stieden kemm lill-PL kif ukoll lill-PN illi jekk għandhom, jippubblikaw din l-informazzjoni, u jekk m’għandhomx jiġbruha u jagħmluha aċċessibbli għall-pubbliku.

Ħadd mill-kandidati ADPD ma’ hu assoċjat mal-bejgħ tal-passaporti bl-ebda mod.

“Huwa importanti li nkunu nafu min hemm fost dawk li jaspiraw li jkunu fil-Parlament li għandhom interess li l-iskema tal-passaporti tibqa’ għaliex għandhom liċenzja biex ibiegħuhom” temm Cacopardo.
