Commenting on Prime Minister Muscat’s statement on the report on the BWSC plant in M’Xlokk, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “The Prime Minister has stated that ‘the previous administration amended the legal notice to increase the thresholds, accommodating the BWSC plant. There’s no question that gas is the cleanest type of fuel that can be used.’ Muscat also added that one ‘should ask residents of Marsaxlokk what they think on the use of Heavy Fuel Oil’.”
Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairman added that the fact that the Social Impact Assessment forming part of the EIA process has identified that 91% of the residents to Marsaxlokk as opposing the gas storage facility on a ship moored in Marsaxlokk harbour (as proposed by Enemalta) begs the question as to whether Joseph Muscat will take heed of what the residents are stating.
F’kumment dwar id-dikjarazzjoni tal-Prim Ministru fuq ir-rapport dwar l-impjant tal-BWSC f’M’Xlokk, iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof.Arnold Cassola, qal: “Il-Prim Ministru stqarr li ‘l-amministrazzjoni preċedenti emendat il-legal notice biex iżżid l-livelli biex ikunu jistgħu jakkomodaw l-impjant tal-BWSC. Ma hemm l-ebda dubju li l-gass huwa l-aktar fuel nadif li jista’ jintuża.’ Muscat żied jgħid li ‘wieħed għandu jistaqsi lir-residenti x’jaħsbu dwar l-użu tal-Heavy Fuel Oil’.”
Id-Deputat Chairperson ta’ AD, Carmel Cacopardo, żied li la s-Social Impact Assessment li jagħmel parti mill-process tal-EIA wera li 91% tar-residenti ta’ Marsaxlokk qed jopponu l-faċilita’ għall-ħazna tal-gass fuq vapur sorġut fil-port ta’ Marsaxlokk (kif propost mill-Enemalta), nistennew li l-Prim Ministru stess jisma’ minn dak li qed jgħidu r-residenti.