Muscat urged to send Keith Schembri to Strasbourg

Panama: Muscat urged to use his authority to send Keith Schembri to Strasbourg on 18 May
Werner Langer, president of the European Parliament PANA investigating committee, has written to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat urging him to use his authority to send Keith Schembri to Strasbourg on 18 May to be asked questions by the Committee.
Following this, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, commented:”This is no April Fools joke.  It is shameful that the parliamentary investigative committee has to appeal to the Prime Minister to get him to force Schembri to go. People who have nothing to hide should not run away, as Keith Schembri has been doing for over a year”.

Panama: Muscat imheggeg juza l-awtorita’ tieghu biex jibghat lil Keith Schembri Strasburgu fit-18 ta’ Mejju
Werner Langer, president tal-Kumitat investigattiv PANA tal-Parlament Ewropew, kiteb lill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat biex iheggu juza l-awtorita’ tieghu biex jibghat lil Keith Schembri Strasburgu fit-18 ta’ Mejju biex iwiegeb il-mistoqsijiet tal-Kumitat.
Fid-dawl ta’ din l-ahbar ic-chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof Arnold Cassola, qal “Din mhiex cajta tal-ewwel ta’ April. Hija ta’ misthija li l-kumitat parlamentari investigattiv kellu jappella lill-Prim Ministru biex igieghel lil Schembri jmur quddiemu. In-nies li m’ghandhom xejn x’jahbu ma ghandhomx ghalfejn jaharbu, kif ilu jaghmel din l-ahhar sena Keith Schembri”.
