MPs not ready to vote in favour of divorce should resign before the vote

MPs not ready to vote in favour of divorce should resign before the vote

AD has noted the declaration of Labour MP Marie Louise Coleiro Preca that she will not contest the forthcoming general elections. This declaration has been made within the context of the current polemic on the implementation of the referendum decision of last Saturday concerning the divorce Bill in respect of which Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca declared yesterday that for reasons of conscience she intended to abstain thereon.


As a first point AD condemns whoever is exerting pressure and threatening Coleiro-Preca and her relatives. AD also condemns those who are threatening her through making use of information on her personal life. On this AD is four square behind Coleiro Preca.


AD is however of the opinion that each one of our Members of Parliament who is no prepared to vote in favour of the Divorce Bill is not fit to be an MP. The issue is not the Divorce Bill itself but the unconditional respect which each and every MP owes to the will of the electorate.


The electorate has taken a decision and Members of Parliament should oblige. The reaction of their conscience is at this stage irrelevant. However if the conflict with their conscience is so disturbing they should resign before and not after voting.




Min mhux lest jivvota favur id-divorzju mhux postu fil-Parlament




AD osservat id-dikjarazzjoni tal-Membru Parlamentari Laburista Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca li mhix ser terga’ tikkontesta l-elezzjoni generali. Din id-dikjarazzjoni qed issir fl-isfond tal-polemika dwar l-implimentazzjoni tad-decizjoni tar-referendum ta’ nhar is-Sibt u l-abbozz ta’ Ligi dwar id-divorzju li dwaru Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca ilbierah iddikjarat li fi hsiebha tastjeni u dan ghal ragunijiet ta’ kuxjenza.


L-ewwelnett AD tikkundanna li minn qed jaghmel pressjoni u jhedded lil Coleiro Preca u lill-familjari taghha. Tikkundanna lil min qed jaghmel attakki fuq il-hajja personali taghha. Dwar dan AD taghti l-appogg kollu taghha lil Coleiro Preca.


Imma AD jidhrilha illi kull wiehed u wahda mill-membri parlamentari illi m’humiex lesti illi jivvutaw favur l-abbozz ta’ ligi tad-divorzju m’ghandux post fil-Parlament. L-issue mhix il-ligi tad-divorzju fiha innifisha izda r-rispett inkundizzjonat mill-Membri Parlamentari ghall-volonta popolari.


Il-poplu iddecieda u l-membri tal-parlament ghandhom ibaxxu rashom ghar-rieda tal-poplu. X’tghidilhom il-kuxjenza taghhom, issa hu irrelevanti. Madankollu jekk il-kunflitt mal-kuxjenza huwa daqstant kbir, il-Membri Parlamentari ghandhom jirrizenjaw qabel u mhux wara l-vot.


