Misuse of Armed Forces Aeroplane for benefit of EPP

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party has noted the report in the
Sunday newspaper “Illum” published on February 19, 2012 where it was
alleged that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi made use of an Armed Forces
aeroplane used for rescue operations in order to attend a European
People’s Party meeting held in Palermo in May 2011. The published
report was not denied by the Office of the Prime Minister.

Carmel Cacopardo, AD Spokesman for Sustainable Development and Home
Affairs stated that if the allegation made is correct this would
amount to misuse of public property which instead of being utilised
for its proper purpose has been used for the exclusive benefit of a
political party.

AD – “Uzu hazin tal-ajruplan tal-Forzi Armati ghall-beneficcjutal-PPE”

Alternattiva Demokratika innutat ir-rapport fil-gazzetta tal-Hadd 19
ta’ Frar 2012 “Illum” fejn gie allegat illi l-Prim Ministru Lawrence
Gonzi f’Mejju 2011 ghamel uzu minn ajruplan tas-salvatagg operat
mill-Forzi Armati ta’ Malta biex bhala Kap tal-Partit Nazzjonalista
jattendi ghal laqgha tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew li saret gewwa
Palermo dwar liema ahbar ma kien hemm l-ebda cahda mill-Ufficcju
tal-Prim Ministru.

Carmel Cacopardo, kelliem ghall-Izvilupp Sostenibbli u l-Intern qal li
jekk dak allegat huwa minnu dan huwa abbuz minn propjeta’ pubblika li
flok ma intuzat ghall-iskop propju taghha gie uzata ghall-gwadann ta’
Partit politiku.
