Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party expressed its concern that a Malian asylum seeker, Manade Kamara, has died while in the custody of detention staff. Three AFM soldiers are facing charges in this regard.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson, said: “This terrible news is shocking. It only confirms that populist politics, racism and unreasonable detention of asylum seekers are the real problem with respect to the politics of migration. Whilst I welcome Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s strong words this morning on the situation, the fact is that both the Nationalist and Labour Parties have done next to nothing to have a humane politics of migration, with Labour even venturing on far right rhetoric in certain instances”.
“Together with the UNHCR and progressive NGOs, AD reiterates its call for an immediate review of Malta’s detention policy. AD has made concrete proposals in this regard”.
Robert Callus, AD spokesperson for migration and citizenship, said: “For 10 years the government tried to give the impression that migration is a temporary phenomenon when they knew pretty well it wasn’t. The Government ignored detention problems, exploitation at the place of work and only paid lip service to integration policy. Addressing these serious problems would have exposed what they knew all along – that some migrants are here to stay.”