Malta Pride 2019 – Equality and respect

On the occasion of the Malta Pride 2019, AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo saidl: “AD, as always, celebrates diversity. We support the LGBTQI community because we believe that society is richer when everyone feels respected and valued as a person. We are still seeing ugly episodes of hate and intolerance till this day, that’s why it remains important to show our support publicly. We must continue to make sure that public and private services are not allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender, amongst other characteristics.”

AD’s first declaration of principles in 1989 spoke about the need to safeguard the rights of the LGBTQI community. AD is proud to be a founder member of the European Green Party, a pan-European party which is at the forefront in fighting discrimination and promoting LGBTQI rights across Europe. AD representatives attended Pride marches when the activities were on a much smaller scale than today and when people and other political parties still looked down and avoided the LGBTQI community.


Malta Pride 2019 – Kulħadd ugwali, kulħadd rispettat

Fl-okkażżjoni importanti tal-Pride 2019, iċ-Chairperson ta’ AD Carmel Cacopardo qal: “AD, bħal dejjem, tappoġġja din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tad-diversita’. Nappoġġjaw lill-komunita’ LGBTQI fid-diversita’ kollha tagħha, għax nemmnu li soċjeta’ b’saħħitha hija soċjeta fejn id-diversita’ hija rikonoxxuta, u soċjeta’ fejn kulħadd iħossu rispettat. Sal-lum xorta għadna naraw episodji ta’ mibgħeda u intolleranza, għalhekk huwa importanti li qatt ma nieqfu nappoġġjaw fil-beraħ lil min jitqies ‘differenti’. Irridu nkomplu nsostnu lil dawk kollha li jsibu diffikultajiet fis-soċjeta’ tagħna, irridu nkunu żguri li s-servizzi pubbliċi u anke privati ma jiddiskriminawx abbażi tal-ġeneru.”

Alternattiva Demokratika, sa mill-1989, fl-ewwel dikjarzzjoni ta’ prinċipji tagħha, saħqet fuq id-drittijiet tal-komunita’ LGBTQI. Kburin ukoll li l-European Green Party, li AD hija membru fundatur tiegħu, huwa fuq quddiem fid-difiża tad-drittijiet tal-komunita’ LGBTQI madwar l-Ewropa kollha. Rappreżentanti ta’ AD bdew jattendu l-Pride meta din l-attivita’ kienet ferm iżgħar minn dik tal-lum, meta ħafna nies u partiti oħra sfortunatament kienu jħarsu bl-ikrah lejn il-komunita’ LGBTQI.
