Huwa ta’ sodisfazzjon kbir ghal Alternattiva Demokratika illi dak li tkellmet u hadmet fuqu se jsehh billi l-ligi tal-istat dwart iz-zwieg se tkun tghodd l-istess ghal kulhadd, bl-appogg tal-gruppi parlamentari tal-PL u l-PN. Din il-ligi se tkun qed tirrikonoxxi b’mod shih l-forom differenti ta’ familji.
Luke Caruana, PRO ta’ AD qal:”Id-diskorsi fil-Parlament ta’ Mario Demarco u Karl Gouder mill-Oppozizzjoni huma diskorsi li juru rispett xieraq lejn id-diversita fis-socjeta taghna. Minn naha l-ohra id-diskors fil-Parlament tal-Whip Nazzjonalista David Agius huwa ta’ ghajb ghax jizra’ d-divizjoni ibbazata fuq pregudizzji u suppozizzjonijiet misinformati. Huwa importanti f’demokrazija li min jivvota favur ligi – tkun xi tkun – jaghmel hekk b’konvinzjoni. Minn diskorshom hemm min se jivvota biss ghall-apparenzi meta fil-fatt ghandu pregudizzji fuq min huwa differenti minnu.”
Equal marriage – respect for diversity
It is with satisfaction that Alternattiva Demokratika as a party which spoke up for marriage equality and respect for diversity, that Parliament will vote into law amendments to make the Marriage Act applicable to all different kinds of family, with the support of the parliamentary groups of the PL and the PN. This law will be recognising the different forms of families in our society.
Luke Caruana, AD’s PRO said: “The speeches in the Parliament of Mario Demarco and Karl Gouder from the Opposition show respect for the diversity in our society, a diversity which enriches us all. On the other hand, the speech of the Nationalist Whip David Agius was based on prejudices and misinformation. David Agius’s speech played to the prejudiced and those who see diversity and respect as some kind of threat. It is important in democracy those voting in favour of a law – whatever it is – do so with conviction. It seems that some will only vote for this law for appearances sake, when in fact they are prejudiced and cannot accept that the state treats all its citizens as equals.”