Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party said that the Labour Party should immediately stop attempting to remove people from the electoral register.
Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson said: “It is unbelievable that Labour is once again resorting to methods reminiscent of parties that do not trust citizens with their voting rights. This only confirms that there is only one progressive party in Malta, namely Alternattiva Demokratika. If people want real change from fossilized politics, they should vote Green”.
Prof. Arnold Cassola, Alternattiva Demokratika Spokesperson on EU and International Affairs, stated: “We are back to the bad old days. It seems that the Labour Party never learns its lesson and, as it had done with me in 2003 when I was serving as the only non-EU citizen ever elected Secretary General of a European Political Party, it is trying to strike off the electoral register Maltese citizens who are contributing to the welfare and prestige of our country. If the PL is so keen on striking off Maltese citizens working and operating from abroad, it should start off with its four MEPs Attard Montalto, Scicluna, Cuschieri and Grech, who spend more time in Brussels and the rest of the world than in Malta”.