Broadcasting Authority, a servant of PL and PN

The Broadcasting Authority has confirmed that it is totally excluding Alternattiva Demokratika from TV debates during the electoral campaign.  On the other hand, PN and PL will have 4 debates between them and a press conference each.

The Chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “The Broadcasting Authority, with half of the members nominated by PN and the other half by PL, is showing that it is there only to accomodate the two bigger parties. This, despite the fact they already own a TV and radio station each, that transmit political propaganda 24 hours a day.”

“The Broadcasting Authority has lost all sense of dignity, and will therefore not allow the Maltese people to listen to and compare the different views of the different parties.”


L-Awtorita tax-Xandir tikkonferma li tiffavorixxi lill-PN u lill-PL

L-Awtorita tax-Xandir ikkonfermat li qed teskludi ghal kollox lil Alternattiva Demokratika mid-dibattiti televizivi fil-kampanja elettorali.  Mill-banda l-ohra, PN u PL ser ikollhom 4 dibattiti bejniethom u konferenza stampa kull wiehed.

Ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “L-Awtorita’ tax-Xandir, maghmula nofs b’nofs b’rapprezentanti tal-PN u l-PL, qed turi li qieghda hemm biss biex takkomoda l-interessi  tal-partiti l-kabar.  Dan minkejja li dawn diga ghandhom stazzjoni tat-televizjoni u iehor tar-radju kull wiehed li jxandru 24 siegha kuljum.”

“L-Awtorita tax-Xandir tilfet kull sens ta’ dinjita’, u dan billi mhux se taghti cans lill-poplu Malti jkun jista’ iqabbel il-veduti tal-partiti diversi.”

Skeda annessa

Skema xandiriet politici 2017
