Fil-jiem li għaddew Alternattiva Demokratika issottomettiet l-opinjoni tagħha dwar l-istrateġija għall-Kottonera. James Gabarretta, kelliem dwar l-ambjent urban qal li għal AD ir-residenti u l-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tagħhom għandhom ikunu ċ-ċentru tal-istrateġija.
“Ħarsa lejn id-dokument dwar il-Kottonera, wieħed jistaqsi għaliex jinħass il-bżonn li titwaqqaf entita’ (Fondazzjoni Kottonera) immexxija minn Membru Parlamentari meta fl-istess nifs il-Gvern qed jgħid li jrid isaħħaħ il-koperazzjoni bejn il-Kunsilli Lokali permezz tal-Kunsilli Reġjonali. Hemm ukoll il-pjan lokali għall-istess żona (Grand Harbour Local Plan). L-istrateġija ma tqisx l-isfidi importanti ta’ dawn iż-żminijiet: il-mobilita’ sostenibbli, il-bidla fil-klima u s-sostenibilita’. L-istrateġija hija okkażjoni biex il-Kottonera timxi lejn reġjun Zero-Carbon. Mira ta’ zero-carbon jinkoraġixxi l-innovazzjoni, mikro-industriji u riġenerazzjoni soċjali, ambjentali u kulturali.”
“Għalina r-residenti huma l-aktar stakeholders importanti fil-Kottonera. L-istrateġija, tagħti x’tifhem li l-għan huwa aktar u aktar negozju, inkluż f’żoni li fil-pjan lokali huma boskijiet. Il-kunċett ta’ ġentrifikazzjoni m’hi imsemmija imkien fid-dokument. Dan huwa nuqqas kbir ghax ippjanar ħażin jista’ jfisser li r-residenti tal-Kottonera jsibu ruħhom f’Kottonera li ma jibqgħux jagħrfu. L-istrateġija ma ssemmix l-iżvantaġġi ta’ żvilupp fl-interess tan-negozju. Strateġija kompluta tħares lejn l-aspetti kollha tal-ħajja, l-ambjent u t-tessut soċjali. Strateġija mhux dokument ta’ propaganda iżda ta’ informazzjoni u pjanar ta’ x’jista’ jsir – bit-tajjeb u l-ħażin kollu.”
“Ninnotaw li l-mobilita’ hija problema komuni fost ir-residenti. Minkejja dan, l-istrateġija ma’ toffri l-ebda pjan b’dan ir-rigward. Iż-żona tal-Kottonera m’għandhiex tispiċċa parkeġġ u mballata karozzi u tniġġis kif ġara l-Belt Valletta. Hemm bżonn limiti u kontroll tal-ammont ta’ karozzi li jidħlu fl-ibliet tal-Kottonera. Hemm bzonn li r-residenti jħossuhom siguri fit-toroq. Iż-żona hija perfetta għat-trasport pubbliku, għall-użu tar-roti u roti elettriċi u għall-konsolidament tat-trasport bil-baħar.”
“Il-kunċett ta’ Fort Ricasoli bħala business hub mhux ċar. Filwaqt li huwa importanti li l-fortizza – li hija abbandunata u qed tittiekel mill-baħar – tigi riġenerata, hemm bżonn diskussjoni fil-fond dwar viżjoni sostenibbli u fit-tul għall-użu ta’ dan is-sit. Żgur li m’għandhiex tinbidel f’blokkijiet ta’ uffiċini, u bl-iskuża ta’ dan jispiccaw jinbnew appartament għal skop ta’ spekulazzjoni – bħal ma ġara Smart City. Huwa possibbli li b’sensittivita’ wirt storiku jiżżewweġ ma’ elementi moderni u sostenibbli, faċilitajiet zero-carbon, spazji miftuħa u faċilitajiet komunitarji.”
Alternattiva Demokratika, ikkonkluda James Gabarretta temmen illi:
- Kummerċjalizazzjoni intensiva tal-Kottonera mhux fl-interess tar-residenti.
- Il-‘green corridor’ Santa Margerita għandha tigi immaniġjata bi prinċipji ta’ konservazzjoni bħala żona naturali, li tant hija bżonjuza fil-Kottonera. M’għandhiex tigi kummerċjalizzata bi kiosks u aktar konkos. Ċentri kulturali jistgħu isiru f’fortifikazzjonijiet li s’issa mhux qed jintużaw.
- It-tfal tal-Kottonera m’għandhomx jibqgħu ‘roundabout’ għall-karozzi. It-traffiku fil-Kottonera għandu jiġi ikkonrollat u jitnaqqas.
- L-istrategija għandha tiffoka fuq mobilità sostenibbli fiż-żona.
- Il-punt dwar housing affordabbli m’għandux jintuża bħala skuża biex il-Kottonera tinfetaħ beraħ għal żvilupp u spekulazzjoni bla rażan. Il-politika dwar il-housing għandha tiffoka fuq għajnuna prattika biex jitjieb il-livell ta’ housing eżistenti.
Cottonera: intensive commercialization is not in the interest of residents
Recently Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party submitted its opinion on the ‘Strategy for Cottonera’. James Gabarretta, spokesperson on the urban environment for AD said that residents and their quality of life should be the central aim of any strategy for the area.
“One however wonders why government felt the need to set up another new entity (The Cottonera Foundation) led by a Labour Member of Parliament when at the same time Government is talking about reform in local councils to strengthen cooperation between councils through strengthening regional councils. Wouldn’t the regional council of which Cottonera will form part be the ideal institution for drawing up an action plan for the region? There is also a local plan for the same area, the Grand Harbour local plan. The strategy unfortunately does not consider the important challenges of our times such as sustainable mobility, climate change and sustainability. The strategy could have been an impetus to transform the Cottonera region to a zero-carbon region. Serious planning for a zero-carbon region encourages innovation, micro industries and social, environmental and cultural rejuvination.”
“For us, residents are the most important stakeholders in Cottonera. The strategy, gives the impression that the aim is more and more commercialization of the area, including the commercialization of areas which in the local plan are designated as wooded areas. The challenges of gentrification is not mentioned anywhere in the document. This is a big failure because bad planning can mean that Cottonera residents find themselves living in a Cottonera which they no longer recognize and feel part of. The strategy does not mention the disadvantages of the kind development which it seems to allude to: that in the interest of business rather than residents. A comprehensive strategy would look at all aspects of life, the environment and the social fabric of Cottonera. The strategy is not supposed to be a propaganda document but a document full of information and studied suggestions of what can be done – with all the advantages and disadvantages of various options.”
“We note that mobility is a common concern among residents. However, the strategy does not offer any plan in this regard. Cottonera should not become a massive, congested car park. The amount of cars entering Cottonera should be limited and controlled. We need streets that are safe for residents. The area is perfectly suitable for public transport and for streets which are safe for bicycles and electric bicycles. Sea transport from and to Cottonera should be strengthened.”
“The concept of Fort Ricasoli as business hub is not clear. While it is important that the fortress – which is abandoned and disappearing into the sea – is regenerated, there is need for an in-depth discussion on a sustainable vision and longterm use of this site. It should not end up full of office blocks and apartments for speculation purposes, as has happened in Smart City. We believe that it is possible to sensibly couple heritage with modern elements and sustainable, zero-carbon facilities, open spaces and community facilities.”
In conclusion, James Gabarretta said that AD believes that:
- The intensive commercialization of Cottonera is not in the residents’ interest.
- The green corridor known as Santa Margerita should be managed according to principles of conservation as a natural area. It should not end up full of kiosks and more concrete. Cultural centres should be base din existing underutilised buildings.
- The children of Cottonera should not end up as roundabout for more traffic. Traffic into Cottonera should be controlled and reduced.
- The strategy should focus on sustainable mobility.
- The need for affordable housing should not be used as an excuse for the floodgates to be opened for property speculation and savage development. The housing policy should focus on practical assistance to improve the conditions and level of existing housing.