Kommemorazzjoni qtil ta’ Karin Grech

Fil-41 anniversarju tal-qtil ta’ Karin Grech nhar it-28 ta’ Diċembru tal-1977, iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika Carmel Cacopardo, poġġa bukkett fjuri mal-monument b’tifkira ta’ Karin Grech f’San Ġwann

Carmel Cacopardo qal:”Dawn il-ġrajjiet huwa importanti li nibqgħu nfakkruhom. Importanti li nfakkruhom flimkien biex inwasslu messaġġ ċar kontra kull forma ta’ vjolenza u intolleranza. Il-weġa’ tal-familja Grech u ta’ tant familji oħra għandha tkun il-weġa’ tagħna lkoll.”

“Il-preżenza ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika f’din il-kommemorazzjoni hi xhieda tal-impenn tagħna kontra l-intolleranza. Id-differenzi fil-fehmiet jissolvew biss bid-djalogu u d-diskussjoni li għandhom ikunu u jibqgħu l-pern tal-proċess demokratiku. Il-vjolenza u azzjonijiet li jwasslu għaliha qatt ma jistgħu jitħallew jgħollu rashom.”


Commemoration of Karin Grech’s murder

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo, today evening took part in the commemoration of the 41st anniversay of the murder of Karin Grech. He placed a floral tribute on Karin Grech’s monument in San Ġwann. Karin Grech was killed on the 28th of Diċembru 1977.

Carmel Cacopardo said:”The commemoration of such unfortunate events of violence is very important. It is important not to forget. We must keep in mind what violence and intolerance can bring about. The pain felt by the Grech family and by so many other families is the pain of the whole country.”

“My presence at the commemorative event is a sign of AD’s commitment against violence and intolerance. The way forward when there are differences of opinion is dialogue and discussion. The political process should be based on the principle of dialogue. Violence should never be seen as a solution in a functioning democracy.”
