It-tħassir tal-permess ta’ Townsquare hu pass kbir ‘il quddiem

Id-decizjoni tat-Tribunal ta’ Revizjoni dwar l-Ambjent u l-Ippjanar li jhassar il-permess ghat-torrijiet ta’ Townsquare u jibghat il-kaz mill-gdid quddiem l-Awtorita’ tal-Ippjanar hu pass kbir ‘il quddiem.

It-Tribunal iddecieda li hemm bzonn li l-pjanti sottomessi jkunu analizzati sewwa fil-kuntest tal-policies ezistenti kif ukoll li hemm studji li ma sarux li ghandhom isiru u ohrajn li qatt ma’ raw id-dawl tax-xemx li ghandhom ikunu maghrufa.

Alternattiva Demokratika, qal Carmel Cacopardo ic-Chairperson ta’ AD, hi sodisfatta b’din id-decizjoni ghalkemm konxji li t-triq lejn decizjoni finali ghadha ‘l-boghod u mimlija perikli ambjentali.

Huwa l-mument li nifhmu kemm hu importanti li nibqghu attenti ghal dak li qed jigri madwarna u li nibqghu nsemmu lehinna bla waqfien, temm jghid Cacopardo.


Townsquare decision a big step forward

The decision of the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal to withdraw the permits for the Townsquare Highrise project is a huge step forward. The decision means that the project will have to be reevaluated again by the Planning Authority.

The Tribunal decided that the plans should be reexamined in detail and in the context of existing policies. It also decided that studies which were kept under wraps are made public and that more studies should be carried out.

AD Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo, said that Alternattiva Demokratika is satisfied with this decision. “We are however aware that the process towards a final decision on the project is still long and full of obstacles and challenges.”

It is important for each of us who has quality of life and livable urban environments at heart to remain alert to what’s happening and to continue making our voices heard, concluded Cacopardo.
