Chris Cardona

It is time for the PL to rid itself of Chris Cardona

Court proceedings earlier this week on the murder of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, suggesting the involvement of the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, Chris Cardona, are worrisome and terrifying.

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party Chairperson, Carmel Cacopardo said: “We are aware that in recent months the Police had already turned their attention to Chris Cardona, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, in the context of various leads that the Police were following at the time.”

“So long as the Police are left free to act, we are confident that they will investigate all the leads they have in detail.”

“But it is also high time for the Labour Party to get its act together. It is high time that the Labour Party does what is right in these circumstances and remove Chris Cardona from the post of Deputy Leader. “


Wasal iż-żmien li l-PL jwarrab lil Chris Cardona

Ir-rivelazzjonijiet fil-Qorti iktar kmieni din il-ġimgħa dwar Chris Cardona, Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, li qed jissuġġerixxu l-possibli involviment tiegħu fil-qtil tal-ġurnalista Daphne Caruana Galizia huma mhux biss tal-biża’ imma fuq kollox skandalużi.

Iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Carmel Cacopardo qal:”Aħna konxji li fix-xhur li għaddew il-Pulizija diġa tefgħu ħarsithom fuq Chris Cardona, Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Laburista, u dan fil-kuntest ta’ diversi biċċiet ta’ informazzjoni li l-Pulizija kellha f’idejha dakinnhar.”

“Il-Pulizija bla dubju tinvestiga kull biċċa informazzjoni, kemm-il darba titħalla fil-libertà li taġixxi.”

“Imma wasal iż-żmien ukoll li l-Partit Laburista jiżganċa ruħu minn dan kollu. Il-Partit Laburista għandu obbligu politiku f’dawn iċ-ċirkustanzi li jwarrab lil Chris Cardona minn Deputat Mexxej.”
