
Is-Sindku ta' Marsaskala għandu jkun investigat dwar rigali minn Sadeen



“Id-dikjarazzjoni li l-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Marsaskala se jircievi rigali minghand l-izviluppatur tal-Universita’ progettata ghaz-Zonqor f’Marsaskala tikkomprometti ‘l-Kunsill Lokali fit-twettiq ta’dmirijietu fid-difiza tar-residenti tal-Lokal. Skont is-Sindku ta’ Marsaskala dawn ir-rigali jikkonsistu l-bini tal-ufficini godda tal-Kunsill kif ukoll l-bini ta’ zewg latrini, xoghol fi Triq il-Blajjiet u xoghol ta’ dwal fit-toroq.”

Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo, Deputat Chairperson u kelliemi ghall-Kunsilli Lokali ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika.

Cacopardo zied jghid li s-Sindku ta’ Marsaskala ghandu jkun investigat mill-Bord tal-Governanza tal-Kunsilli Lokali dwar imgieba mhux etika u dan skont ir-Regolamenti dwar il-Bord ta’ Governanza Lokali (AL 63/2010).

“L-ebda Sindklu m’ghandu dritt li jikkomprometti lill-Kunsill Lokali li jmexxi b’dan il-mod.”


PR21/11/2015 Sadeen’s gifts – Marsaskala Mayor’s unethical behaviour should be investigated

“The declaration that the Local Council of Marsaskala will receive gifts from the developer of the Unuversity planned for Zonqor in Marsaskala puts the Council in an akward position.  These gifts consist in the building of new council offices as well as two public conveniences, works on Triq il-Blajjiet as well as street lighting works. These gifts will place the Local Council in an awkward position such that it will have considerable difficulty in standing up for the rights of Marsaskala residents.”

This was stated by Carmel Cacopardo AD Deputy Chairperson and spokesperson on Local Councils.

Cacopardo added that  the Marsaskala Mayor should be investigated by the Local Governance Board on unethical behaviour in accordance with the Local Governance Board Regulations (LN 63/2010).

“No locality Mayor has the right to place the local council which he leads in such an awkward position.”
