The Commissioner for Children Antoinette Vassalli has informed ADPD – The Green Party candidate and International Secretary Mina Jack Tolu that she has asked the Police to investigate the intimidation and harassment of people and in particular children attending a play at the Żigużajg festival.
In the letter sent to the Commissioner for Children Mina Tolu said: “On Saturday 18th March I attended the play ‘Gender Boss’ at the Żigużajg festival, together with a friend and her young daughter. On entering Spazju Kreattiv I was shocked to be welcomed by a security guard who was stationed at the entrance to the studio where the play was being shown. After the play and creative workshop I spoke to the team at Spazju Kreattiv, and asked them about the presence of security. They claimed it was necessary due to the presence at prior showings of members of Partit Abba, who also recorded the play and workshop and asked questions to the children present.”
Mina Jack Tolu thanked the office of the Commissioner for Children for their response. “I thank the office of the commission for their response and recognising the gravity of this situation by asking the police to investigate”.
ADPD – The Green Party Secretary General Dr Ralph Cassar emphasised that the party will continue to work for a just society with respect for diversity and pluralism. “The cancel culture of the far-right does not belong in this pluralism. We have no tolerance for hate of any kind.”
Il-Kummissarju għat-Tfal titlob lill-Pulizija jinvestigaw l-intimidazzjoni u l-fastidju tat-tfal waqt il-festival Żigużajg
Il-Kummissarju għat-Tfal Antoinette Vassalli infurmat lill-kandidat u Segretarju Internazzjonali ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Mina Jack Tolu li talbet lill-Pulizija biex tinvestiga l-intimidazzjoni u l-fastidju ta’ persuni u b’mod partikolari tfal li attendew il-festival teatrali Żigużajg.
Fl-ittra mibgħuta lill-Kummissarju għat-Tfal Mina Tolu qal: “Nhar is-Sibt 18 ta’ Marzu attendejt għad-dramm ‘Gender Boss’, parti mill-festival Żigużajg, flimkien ma’ ħabiba tiegħi u bintha. Jien u dieħel ġo Spazju Kreattiv bqajt ixxukkjat li ġejt milqugħ minn gwardjan tas-sigurtà li kien stazzjonat fid-daħla tal-istudjo fejn kien qed jintwera d-dramm. Wara d-dramm u l-workshop kreattiv tkellimt mat-tim ta’ Spazju Kreattiv, u staqsejthom dwar il-preżenza tas-sigurtà. Qaluli li s-sigurtà kienet meħtieġa minħabba l-preżenza f’wirjiet ta’ qabel ta’ membri tal-Partit Abba, li iffilmjaw id-dramm u l-workshop u anke staqsew mistoqsijiet lit-tfal preżenti.”
Mina Jack Tolu irringrazzja lill-uffiċċju tal-Kummissarju għat-Tfal tat-tweġiba tagħhom. “Nirringrazzja lill-uffiċċju tal-kummissjoni tat-tweġiba tagħhom u kuntent li l-kummissjoni għarfet il-gravità ta’ din is-sitwazzjoni billi talbet lill-pulizija biex tinvestiga”.
Is-Segretarju Ġenerali tal-partit Dr Ralph Cassar saħaq li l-partit se jkompli jaħdem għal soċjetà ġusta b’rispett għad-diversità u l-pluraliżmu. “Il-kultura tal-kanċellazzjoni – cancel culture – tal-lemin estrem m’għandhiex post f’soċjetà pluralista. M’għandna l-ebda tolleranza għall-mibegħda ta’ kwalunkwe tip.”