Dear supporters, dear friends,
AD-The Green Party is fielding two candidates, Arnold Cassola and Carmel Cacopardo for the 24th May European Parliament elections. Malta will elect 6 MEPs in an election where all Malta and Gozo will be ONE electoral district: a bigger chance for AD candidates to be elected, since the quota will be lower than usual. A good, sustained campaign can help us reach our target of electing an AD MEP this year.
Campaigns cost money but also involve people. While we appreciate donations and could easily just ask you for your money, we’d also like to involve you in other different ways: from helping us spread our message with your friends and acquaintances to being actively involved on the ground during our campaign.
We’ve produced a checklist of what we need and what you could do to help us. If you see yourself in one or more of these roles, why not drop us a line?
- DONATE: Money, together with people and time, is an essential for any political campaign. We use the money to spread our message: pay for billboards, produce media spots, finance our online campaign, print and design mailshots. You can donate, through the post or by online banking, by checking out: http://www.alternattiva.org.mt/donation/
- FUNDRAISE: Are you good at asking for money for a cause? Do you know anyone who would like to fund our campaign? Have you got any other ideas on financing this electoral adventure? Raise your hand if you’re gonna raise some money!
- LEND A HAND: We always need people to help us in our activities. Any imaginable skill or help one can provide is needed. Give us a shout!
- @CLICK: help us spread our message on the internet. We are present with our blogs and websites, on Facebook and on Twitter, and you could help us by multiplying our message to more people who we haven’t yet met. PM us on our Facebook pages (Alternattiva Demokratika, Arnold Cassola & Carmel Cacopardo) and we’ll get back to you.
- MEET & GREET: we can meet you and your friends during private events that you could organise at your homes, where we can answer your questions and chat about the campaign in an informal setting. Get the kettle boiling, and we’ll come over.
- TALENT: what are you good at? Are a you a designer, a cook, good with words, strong, full of ideas, artistic? You name it, whatever you’re good at, we guarantee that we could put it to good use. Try us out!
- ENDORSEMENTS: take part in video productions and/or photos for social media and printed material saying why you will vote AD.
If you are interested in helping us, in any way you can, answer this message on info@alternattiva.org.mt or contact us on Facebook or the candidates directly: arnoldcassola@gmail.com / cacopardocarm@euroweb.net.mt