Hate and fear rife

Reports in the media that activist and journalist Manwel Delia is leaving the country because of death threats should be shocking to us all, Carmel Cacopardo, ADPD – The Green Party Chairperson , insisted.

“A few days before the commemoration of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s brutal assassination four years ago, there are still people who feel that they can intimidate, spew hate, threats and silence others. The Police Force should crack down on these people. As things stand it seems that the Police Force is seen as not being effective. This country is sick. Sick with hate and fear. Social media has become a breeding ground for hate mongers and bullies. Threats of violence are rife. On behalf of ADPD – The Green Party and personally I express my solidarity with Manwel Delia and his family. His sacrifices, and the sacrifices of others who suffer in silence will one day be vindicated when this country gets rid of the fear and hate which have taken root over the years.”


Dan il-pajjiż mifni bil-biża’ u l-mibgħeda

Ir-rapporti fil-media li Manwel Delia, attivist tas-soċjetà ċivili u ġurnalist, se jitlaq minn Malta minħabba theddid li rċieva fuq ħajtu għandhom jixxokkjawna lkoll. Dan qalu ċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD-The Green Party, Carmel Cacopardo.

“Ftit ġranet qabel ir-raba’ anniversarju tal-qtil brutali ta’ Daphne Caruana Galiza jidher li sal-lum għad hawn min għadu konvint li jista’ jagħmel li jrid, inkluż li jhedded u jsikket. Il-forzi tal-ordni jidher li qishom mhux hawn, ma jinħassux. Dan il-pajjiż marid sew. Sfortunatament il-mibgħeda fis-soċjetà Maltija għandha għeruq fondi kif jidher kontinwament fil-kummenti fil-media soċjali. F’dan il-mument ta’ biża’, f’ismi u f’isem ADPD – The Green Party, nixtieq nesprimi solidarjetà sħiħa u profonda ma’ Manwel Delia u l-familja tiegħu. Is-sagrifiċċji tiegħu u ta’ oħrajn li qed isofru fis-skiet għad iridu jissarrfu meta dan il-pajjiż jinfeda mill-biża’ u l-mibgħeda.”
