Green candidates Come Out for LGBTQI rights in EU

Alternattiva Demokratika candidates, Mina Tolu and Carmel Cacopardo, have signed the ILGA-Europe Come Out pledge to stand for the human rights and equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex (LGBTI) people in the EU and beyond. 

Mina Tolu, candidate for the European Parliament and Maltese LGBTQI activist commented, “Five years ago I remember reaching out to MEP candidates in Malta, including Carmel, to sign ILGA-Europe’s 2014 Pledge. This time, it is an honour to pledge my own support as a Green candidate. If elected I look forward to working together with LGBTQI activists to ensure the highest possible level of legal protection of the human rights of LGBTQI people in the EU and beyond.” 

Carmel Cacopardo, candidate for the European Parliament added, “I commit to be an ally and to amplify the voices of LGBTQI people, not only if elected, but also in my role as chairperson of Alternattiva Demokratika. The EU should champion human rights and offer protection and respect for all LGBTQI people.” 

Mina Tolu founded We Are – LGBTQI Youth and Student Organisation at the University of Malta in 2010. They served on the executive committee of We Are from 2010 – 2014. From May 2014 – end 2015 Mina joined the board of IGLYO – The International LGBTQI Youth and Student Organisation as a communications officer and later Co-Chair. From 2015 to 2018 Mina worked at Transgender Europe – TGEU a European organisation which gives trans people a voice in Europe and advocates for trans rights and social justice.

Read more about the Come Out pledge:
