Government’s Fundamentalism

While the Gozo hospital is literally falling apart and the presence of asbestos in the same hospital, Government is wasting time in gimmicks. It recently bragged of opening a room in the hospital offering ‘naprotechnology’ which is nothing else but a fancy name for the method of taking temperatures to indicate the fertile or infertile period women.

The statement of the Department of Information on the14/5/2012 clearly shows that this is just an attempt to pander to the more conservative sections of society who are apparently dictating government policy on IVF and in the area of fertility treatment.

Ralph Cassar, Secretary General and AD spokesperson said: “This government has abandoned people with fertility problems and continues to procrastinate on the introduction of a reasonable law on IVF. At the same time despite the rhetoric about ethics it allows practices that are resulting in multiple pregnancies – triplets and quadruplets – against the professional advice of specialists. This is resulting in deaths of newborns and serious health issues for both infants and mothers”.

“The extreme conservative attitude of Lawrence Gonzi and his Government Ministers contrasts greatly with the image that the party is trying to project to attract young people to his party”.


Il-Fundamentalizmu tal-Gvern Icahhad lill-Koppji mit-Tfal

Filwaqt li l-isptar ta’ Ghawdex qed litteralment jaqa’ bicciet u b’periklu tal-asbestos l-Gvern qed jitfa’ l-bzar fl-ghajnejn u jiftah kamra b’suppost servizz b’isem kollu xinxilli – ‘naprotechnology’ li m’hu xejn hlief il-metodu tat-tehid tat-temperatura biex jindika l-perjodu fertili jew infertili tal-mara. Kumbinazzjoni dan ‘l hekk imsejjah servizz tnieda f’Ghawdex. L-istqarrija tad-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni tal-14/5/2012 turi bic-car li dan huwa biss attentat biex jikkwieta l-krtitika lejn l-IVF mis-sezzjonijiet l-aktar konservattivi li milli jidher qed jiddettaw il-politika l-politika tal-gvern f’dal-qasam.

Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Generali u kelliem tal-AD qal:”Il-Gvern abbanduna l-persuni b’problemi ta’ infertilita u qed ikompli ikaxkar saqajh fuq ligi ragonevoli fuq l-IVF. Fl-istess waqt minkejja r-retorika dwar etika qed ihalli prattici li qed jirrizultaw fit-tqala ta’ ‘triplets’ u ‘quadruplets’ kontra l-pariri professjonali tal-ispecjalisti. Dan qed jirrizulta f’imwiet ta’ trabi tat-twelid u perikli kbar ghas-sahha tal-istess trabi u tal-ommijiet.”

“Il-Gvern qed ikompli juri kemm huwa intransigenti f’dal-qasam – il-konservatizmu estrem ta’ Lawrence Gonzi u l-Ministri tal-Gvern tieghu jikkontrasta bil-kbir mal-immagini li qed jipprova jiprogetta biex jattira liz-zghazagh lejn il-partit tieghu.”
