Government encouraging hunting abuse, this must stop

In view of the recent eagle massacre, Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson Prof Arnold Cassola said: “The lengthening of the spring season, the removal of licence payment and of the compulsory armband and the extension of hunting hours in September sent out the wrong message to irresponsible hunters, that they could shoot at anything that flies. The government is likewise irresponsible for having created this impression through its myopic action. In the mean time we commend the police force for taking prompt action. Let us hope the hunters responsible for this massacre are punished to the fullest extent of the law.”

Simon Galea, AD spokesperson on animal welfare, said: “One hopes that the Muscat government has finally learnt its lesson and will stop being blackmailed by irresponsible hunters.  Doubling the fines is a small step in the right direction, but still far from enough. To start off, hunting in spring should be abolished.”

Wara l-massakru riċenti li sar fuq l-ajkli, iċ-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Prof Arnold Cassola, qal: “Il-fatt li twal l-istaġun tal-kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa, it-tneħħija tal-ħlas tal-liċenzja u tal-ħtieġa li l-kaċċaturi jilbsu faxxa ma’ jdejhom, kif ukoll iż-żieda tas-siegħat għall-kaċċa f’Settembru bagħtu messaġġ hazin lill-kaċċaturi irresponsabbli: li jistgħu jisparaw fuq kull ma jtir. Il-Gvern huwa daqstant irresponsabbli talli ħoloq din l-impressjoni bl-azzjonijiet tiegħu li ma jarawx il-bogħod minn imniħirhom. Sadanittant, prosit lill-pulizija talli ħadu azzjoni immedjata. Nittamaw li l-kaċċaturi responsabbli minn dan il-massakru jiġu ikkastigati skont ma tippermetti l-liġi.”

Simon Galea, kelliem ta’ AD dwar il-ħarsien tal-annimali, qal:  “Wieħed jittama li l-Gvern ta’ Muscat fl-aħħar ħa lezzjoni u ma jibqax jiġi irrikattat minn kaċċaturi irresponsabbli. Li jiġu rduppjati l-multi huwa biss pass żgħir fid-direzzjoni it-tajba, imma żgur mhux biżejjed. L-ewwel ma rridu nagħmlu huwa li ma nippermettux aktar kaċċa fir-rebbiegħa.”


Malta Today and Illum will be focusing on the referendum for the abolition of spring hunting this Sunday 27th October. The papers will include a copy of the petition for people to sign to help us reach our target of 35,000 signatures. Please share this information to encourage your friends to buy the papers, sign the petition and help collect more signatures.

We have at least 15,000 signatures on the petition now. This will help us get even closer to the target.
