ADPD-The Green Party unreservedly condemns the permit that has just been approved to build a block of apartments near the UNESCO site of Ġgantija temples. This development permit further reinforces the notion that the Planning Authority is there simply as a rubber stamp, confirming the decisions taken by others, and that in reality it has no authority. This lack of historical sense and respect for a world heritage site shows how much for certain people the Ġgantija are simply considered as a worthless mound of stones, because for some the only important value is the monetary one.
ADPD-The Green Party Chairperson Sandra Gauci said that as if it were not bad enough that Valletta has been turned into another Paceville, now even this site of global importance is not being given its due appreciation. The members of the Planning Authority board that voting in favour of this project should be dismissed on this decision alone and investigated because their behavior is ruining the buffer zone surrounding a world heritage site for the private and personal benefit of one person. This indifference not only towards UNESCO but also towards the people who protested and fought this project, shows how much money talks here in Malta and that the historical legacy of our forefathers will be sacrificed for the sake of one block of flats.
What use is there for the Malta Tourism Authority to spend our taxes on advertisements with football teams and influencers when with a decision like this we are revealing to the whole world what we have close to our hearts: money and power? concluded Gauci.
Il-permess tal-Ġgantija juri nuqqas ta’ sensittività għall-istorja u li f’Malta money talks!
ADPD – The Green Party jikkundanna bla riżervi il-permess li għadu kif ġie approvat biex tinbena blokka ta’ appartamenti qrib is-sit UNESCO tat-tempji tal-Ġgantija. Dan il-permess ta’ żvilupp ikompli jsaħħaħ l-idea li l-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar qegħda hemm biss bħala timbru, biex tikkonferma deċiżjonijiet ta’ ħaddieħor, u ma għandha l-ebda awtorità. Dan in-nuqqas ta’ sens storiku u rispett lejn sit storiku dinji juri kemm għal ċertu nies il-Ġgantija hu gozz ġebel li ma jiswa xejn, għax għalihom l-uniku valur importanti hu dak monetarju.
Iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD-The Green Party Sandra Gauci qalet li ma kienx biżżejjed li dawwru l-Belt Valletta f’Paceville imma issa anke sit ta’ importanza mondjali qas biss kapaċi japprezzawh. Il-membri tal Bord tal-Awtorità tal-Ippjanar li ivvutaw favur dan il-progett fuq din biss ukoll ħaqqhom jitkeċċew u jiġu nvestigati għax l-aġir tagħhom qed itellef wirt dinji biex tgawdi persuna waħda. Din l-indifferenza mhux biss lejn l-UNESCO imma anke lejn in-nies li pprotestaw u ġġieldu biex dan il-proġett ma jsirx, juri kemm hawn Malta money talks u il-wirt storiku li ħallewlna missirijietna se nissaggrifikawh għal blokka flats ta’ persuna waħda.
Għalxejn toqgħod taħli flusna l-Awtorità Maltija tat-Turiżmu (MTA) fuq reklami ma’ timijiet tal-futbol u influencers meta b’deċiżjoni bħal din urejna mad-dinja kollha x’verament għandna għal qalbna: il-flus u l-poter, temmet tgħid Gauci.