Gas: AD calls for just and sustainable policy

Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party expressed its concern with
the substantial increases in the price of gas cylinders, which are
causing hardships to low and middle-income earners.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson and spokesperson for Economy and
Finance, said: “AD believes that the state should have the main role
in energy policy and energy provision. The state should ensure that
energy use is sustainable, that energy poverty is avoidable, and that
employment in this sector is not precarious. This also holds for
energy provided by the private sector. If the private sector cannot
ensure such goals, the state should intervene and regulate in the most
effective way. Expenditure on social expenditure in this sector can be
made up for by progressive fiscal measures such as windfall taxes by
big business, on tax against harmful environmental practices and on
tax on financial speculation. Basic energy use should be subsidized,
whilst wasteful practices should be penalized”.

“In the case of gas, it is clear that the Government, the Resources
Authority and the Consumers’ Authority are not showing enough
sensitivity to the hardships faced by many people. The profits of two
big businesses seem to be given priority over sustainable and just

Angele Deguara, AD spokesperson for Social Policy said: “Regular
increases in the price of gas cylinders are proving to be a huge
burden especially on those with a low income. The use of gas is a
basic need because even if a family cannot afford to heat the house
with a gas heater, it certainly cannot do without gas energy for daily
cooking. Therefore it is crucial that action be taken so that those
with a low income will be helped to carry this burden. AD believes
that the Malta Resources Authority should take this issue more
seriously and make more effort to ensure that the price of gas is
better controlled. Nobody should be in such a position as not to
afford such a basic energy source because of the drive for profit”.


Gass: AD titlob ghal politika gusta u sostenibbli

Alternattiva Demokratika esprimiet it-thassib taghha ghaz-zidiet
sostanzjali fil-prezz tac-cilindri tal-gass, liema zidiet qed iwasslu
ghal diffikultajiet kbar ghal bosta persuni bi dhul baxx jew medju.

Michael Briguglio, Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika u kelliem
ghall-Ekonomija u Finanzi, qal: “AD temmen li l-istat ghandu jkollu
ir-rwol ewlieni fil-politika u fil-provvista ta’ l-energija. Ghandu
jigi zgurat li l-uzu ta’ l-energija tkun sostenibbli, li ma jkunx hemm
energy poverty, u li x-xoghol f’dan il-qasam ma jkunx prekarju. Dan
jghodd ukoll ghal energija pprovduta mis-settur privat. Jekk
is-settur privat ma jirnexxilux jilhaq dawn il-miri, l-istat ghandu
jintervjeni u jirregola bl-iktar mod effettiv. L-istat jista’ jaghmel
tajjeb ghal nefqa socjali f’dan il-qasam permezz ta’ mizuri fiskali
progressivi bhall-windfall taxes ta’ kumpaniji kbar u taxxi fuq hsara
ambjentali u spekulazzjoni finanzjarja. L-uzu baziku ta’ l-energija
ghandu jigi ssudidjat, izda l-hela ghandha tigi ppenalizzata.”

“Fil-kaz tal-gass jidher bic-car li l-Gvern, l-Awtorita’ tar-Rizorsi u
l-Awtorita’ tal-Konsumatur m’humiex qed ikunu sensittivi bizzejjed
ghad-diffikultajiet li qed ikollhom bosta persuni. Jidher li
l-profitti ta’ zewg kumpaniji kbar qed jigu qabel politika sostenibbli
u gusta”.

Angele Deguara, kelliema tal-AD ghall-Politika Socjali qalet: “Zidiet
regolari fil-prezzijiet tac-cilindri tal-gass qed ikunu ta’ piz enormi
specjalment fuq dawk li d-dhul taghhom huwa baxx. L-uzu tal-gass huwa
bzonn baziku ghax jekk familja m’ghandhiex mezzi biex issahhan id-dar
bil-gass, zgur ma tistax toqghod minghajr gass ghat-tisjir ta’ kuljum.
Ghalhekk jehtieg li tittiehed azzjoni biex dawk li ghandhom dhul baxx
jigu mghejuna biex igorru dan il-piz. L-AD temmen li l-MRA
(L-Awtorita’ tar-Rizorsi) ghandha tiehu din il-kwistjoni b’aktar
serjeta u taghmel aktar sforz biex il-prezz tal-gass ikun ikkontrollat
ahjar. Hadd m’ghandu jkun f’pozizzjoni li ma jistax jixtri dan is-sors
ta’ energija bazika minhabba l-kilba ghall-profitt.”
