F’soċjetà li tħaddan il-pluraliżmu etiku m’hemm post għall-ebda tip ta’ fundamentaliżmu

Id-diskussjoni dwar l-emendi għall-liġi tal-IVF għandha tkun iktar tolleranti ta’ veduti li jikkuntrastaw. F’materji ta’ kuntrast ta’ valuri etiċi huwa essenzjali li l-liġi proposta stess tkun tirrispetta dan. Għal dan l-iskop Alternattiva Demokratika qed tipproponi li min għal raġunijiet ta’ kuxjenza jkun tal-fehma li m’għandux jagħmel użu mill-proċess tal-iffriżar tal-embrijuni għandu jkollu l-opinjoni tiegħu rispettata u għaldaqstant għandu jkollu d-dritt ta’ opt-outminn dan.

Dan qaluh illum Carmel Cacopardo, Chairperson u Ralph Cassar, Segretarju Ġenerali huma u jirrilaxxjaw dokument  bil-pożizzjoni ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika dwar l-emendi għal-liġi tal-IVF liema dokument huwa anness.

Filwaqt li Alternattiva Demokratika taqbel mal-linja ġenerali tal-emendi, li jinfetaħ iktar l-aċċess għall-IVF, tħoss il-ħtieġa li tissottolinea is-segwenti:

1) Għandna nirrispettaw il-pluralità ta’ valuri etiċi fil-pajjiż u għaldaqstant għandu jkun possibli li persuna li għal raġunijiet ta’ kuxjenza ma taċċettax l-iffriżar tal-embrijuni jkollha l-opinjoni tagħha rispettata u per konsegwenza jkun possibli li tagħmel użu mis-servizz tal-IVF  b’din il-limitazzjoni, (opt-out etiku mill-iffrizar): dan id-dritt għandu jkun rikonoxxut minn stat lajk;

2) Li f’kull ħin għandu jkun rispettat id-dritt tal-informazzjoni, kemm tal-persuna li ser tirċievi d-donazzjoni tal-isperma jew il-bajda kif ukoll ta’ kull wild li jirriżulta, id-dritt tal-informazzjoni jfisser li l-identità ta’ min ikun qed jagħmel id-donazzjoni għandha tkun magħrufa kemm lil min ikun ser jirċievi d-donazzjoni, kif ukoll lill-ulied ġġenerati meta dawn jagħlqu is-16-il  sena: is-segretezza mhiex aċċettabbli;

3) Li hu neċessarju li jsir screening tal-isperma u l-bajda għal mard trasmess ġenetikament;

4) Nifhmu li s-surrogacy qed tkun proposta bil-kundizzjoni li dan ma jkunx kummerċjalizzat, però għadu mhux ċar kif dan ser isir għax  ġaladarba jkun infetaħ il-bieb ser ikun diffiċli li jkun hemm kontrolli effettivi tal-kummerċjalizzazzjoni;

5) Il-proposta tal-addozzjoni tal-embrijuni ma jidhirx li tista’ tkun implimentata u teħtieġ diskussjoni iktar profonda.

Fid-dawl ta’ dan Alternattiva Demokratika mill-ġdid tafferma l-ħtieġa li f’soċjetá li tħaddan il-pluraliżmu etiku nirrispettaw iktar l-opinjonijiet ta’ xulxin. Ovvjament, l-iktar mumenti fejn hu meħtieġ dan ir-rispett hu fejn il-fehmiet jikkuntrastaw: għax fejn dawn jaqblu ma hemm bżonn l-ebda sforz!

Hemm bżonn iktar ħsieb u inqas għaġġla biex l-abbozz ippreżentat ikun jista’ jiġi mtejjeb.

F’soċjetà  li tħaddan il-pluraliżmu etiku ma hemm post għall-ebda tip ta’ fundamentaliżmu, ikkonkludew Cacopardo u Cassar.


In a society embracing ethical pluralism there is no place for fundamentalism

The discussion on the amendments to the IVF legislation should be more tolerant of contrasting views. In matters of contrasting ethical values it is alsoessential that the proposed law itself respects this. For this purpose it is proposed that those who on grounds of conscience do not want to make use of the embryo freezing process should have their opinion respected and therefore they should have a right to an opt-out from this procedure.

AD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo and Secretary General Ralph Cassar proposed this solution to overcome the impasse – contrasting views should be respected without imposition of one view over all other views. They also released a position paper by AD on amendments to the IVF law. The document is attached to this press release.

“We agree with the aims and main thrust of the amendments, which open up access to IVF. Additionally we feel the need to emphasise the following:

1) We should be respectful of ethical pluralism; as a result it should be possible that persons who, for reasons of conscience, do not accept the freezing of embryos have their opinion respected. As a result it should be possible that they make use of a limited IVF service by opting-out of the freezing stage of the process. This right should be recognised by a lay state.

2) At all times the right to information should be upheld. This applies to both the person who will receive the donation of sperm or egg as well as any child born as a result of the IVF procedure. This right means that the identity of the person making the donation should be known to the person in receipt of  the donation. Even children born following the IVF procedure, when attaining 16 years of age should have the right to know the identity of their natural parents.  Secrecy is not acceptable.

3) It is necessary to have procedures in place for sperm and egg screening for genetically transmitted diseases.

4) While understanding fully that surrogacy is being proposed under the condition that it is not commercialized, it still remains unclear as to how this will be done because once surrogacy is possible it may be difficult to have effective controls on abuse.

5) The proposal of the adoption of embryos is difficult to implement and requires a much deeper discussion.”

In view of this AD reaffirms the need for society to embrace ethical pluralism as a fact. We need to respect each other’s opinions without attributing ulterior motives, especially in such sensitive and personal issues. Obviously, the more sensitive the issues the more it is necessary to discuss with respect. When people agree, respect comes easy.

The Bill presented requires some more thought as it requires substantial improvements.

A society that embraces ethical pluralism is no place for any kind of fundamentalism, concluded Cacopardo and Cassar.

AD IVF 2018
