Fraud is never justified, justice must be served

ADPD – The Green Party reacts to the news that former Labour Party MP Silvio Grixti fraudulently aided around 800 people to receive disability benefits to which they were not entitled with the alleged involvement of others within Government circles. Justice must be served and every person involved must pay for their crimes, irrespective of who they are.

If current laws of social security are not sufficiently up-to-date they need to be revisited. The vulnerable should not be made to suffer twice by being forced to use fraudulent means to seek the required help.

ADPD Deputy Chairperson Mina Jack Tolu comments “Through their own actions, the Government proves that their models and leadership are not functioning. They have the power to change and implement laws which will ensure that people no longer suffer in poverty. This is its duty, and the only ethical decision when faced with increasing reports of families struggling to make ends meet. Silvio Grixti chose to cheat the system instead, abused his power, stole from all of us, and put further burdens on those of the around 800 people who fell trapped in his crimes. The welfare system should work for everyone, and not only those with connections to the Labour Party.”

ADPD Chairperson Sandra Gauci adds “There is enough money to help all those in need. This is clear. But it is not being distributed properly, and as we have stressed before there is need for more care in how taxpayers’ money is used. Justice must be served and every official, Labour operatives and activists, involved in these crimes must be brought to justice, whatever their gain, financial or political.”


Biex tgħin lil xi nies li qed ibatu mhux ġustifikat is-serq u l-frodi

ADPD – The Green Party irreaġġixxa għall-aħbar li l-eks-membru parlamentari Laburista Silvio Grixti, għen lil madwar 800 persuna biex jirċievu benefiċċji ta’ diżabilità bla mertu, bi frodi u falsifikazzjoni ta’ dokumenti. Mid-dehra bil-kollużjoni ta’ persuni oħra qrib jew parti mill-gvern. Hemm bżonn li ssir ġustizzja u kull min aġevola tali proċeduri frodisti, korrotti u illegali jħallas ta’ għemilu. Kull min huwa nvolut f’dawn ir-reati serji għandu jinġieb quddiem il-ġustizzja, hu min hu.

Biex tgħin lin-nies li qed ibatu mhux ġustifikat is-serq u l-frodi, imma jekk hemm bżonn għabdhom isiru bidliet fil-ligijiet.

Id-deputat Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party, Mina Jack Tolu qal “Bl-azzjonijiet tagħhom stess il-Gvern wera kemm ma jaħdmux il-mudelli ekonomiċi tagħhom. Għandhom il-poter biex ibiddlu u jimplimentaw liġijiet ġodda li jiżguraw li n-nies ma jkomplux jgħixu fil-faqar. Mhux talli dan ma għamluhiex imma talli użaw is-serq u l-frodi minflok. Silvio Grixti abbuża mill-poter li kellu bħala membru parlamentari, seraq il-flus tal-istat u ikkontribwixxa għat-tbatija ta’ wħud mit-800 persuna li waqgħu fin-nassa tiegħu. Is-sigurtà soċjali trid taħdem għal kulħadd li hu fi bżonn u mhux biss lil dawk konnessi politikament u li jfittxu l-pajċiri mingħand il-Labour.”

iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD – The Green Party Sandra Gauci qalet li “huwa ċarissimu li hemm biżżejjed biex ngħinu lil kull min verament għandu bżonn. Il-galbu ta’ kif jintużaw il-flus miġbura mit-taxxi tagħna huwa xi ħaġa li aħna bħala ADPD dejjem sħaqna fuqha għax nemmnu li l-eżempju jrid jiġi minn fuq ta’ kif tmexxi l-flus tal-pajjiż. Hemm bżonn li ssir ġustizzja u kull min aġevola tali proċeduri biex jiggwadanja għalih personali, b’mod finanzjarju jew għal skop ta’ poter politiku jħallas ta’ għemilu.”
