In view of the Hunters’ Federation, FKNK, statement reported in the press today, ADPD – The Green Party’s Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said:
“I have seen the call of the Hunters’ federation requesting the removal from office of the Commissioner for Children and the Commissioner for Animal Welfare.
Once more we have to witness the irresponsible behaviour of FKNK, a matter we have grown accustomed to over the years.
The statement made by the Commissioner for Children and the Commissioner for Animal Welfare that children should be kept away from hunting activities and the associated arms is appropriate and should be implemented immediately.
At ADPD we have full confidence in the Commissioner for Children and the Commissioner for Animal Welfare. We ought to thank them continuously for their endeavours on behalf of the whole community. Their actions throughout the years have been continuously ethical.”
L-FKNK irresponsabbli, kif ilha tkun
Fid-dawl tal-istqarrija tal-FKNK irrappurtata dalghodu, ic-Chairperson ta’ ADPD Carmel Cacopardo qal:
“Rajt is-sejħa tal-Federazzjoni tal-Kaċċaturi kontra l-Kummissarju għat-Tfal u l-Kummissarju għall-Ħarsien tal-Annimali.
Għal darba oħra l-FKNK qed tkun irresponsabbli kif ilha tkun għal dawn l-aħħar snin.
Is-sejħa tal-Kummissarji għat-Tfal u għall-Ħarsien tal-Annimali biex it-tfal jinżammu l-bogħod mill-kaċċa u mill-armi konnessi magħha hi waħda f’lokha u għandhom jittieħdu passi immedjati dwarha.
Il-Kummissarju għat-Tfal u l-Kummissarju għall-Ħarsien għall-Annimali għandhom l-appoġġ sħiħ tagħna. Nirringrazzjawhom kontinwament tal-ħidma tagħhom għall-ġid tal-komunità kollha. L-imġieba tagħhom kienet kontinwament waħda korretta u fuq kollox etika.”