The European Parliament will be debating the issue of “European Citizenship” following the Greens’ and other parties’ request, as a result of the Maltese government’s proposed sale of Maltese citizenship.
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “In view of the Muscat government offer of sale of Maltese citizenship for any bid over 650.000 euros the European Greens had tabled the attached oral question where they asked if the European Council could clarify whether the Maltese Parliament’s decision respected the letter and the non-discrimination principle as laid down in the Treaties and the Schengen Borders Code. Moreover at least 5 other Member States (Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Latvia, Greece) have offered to grant residency rights in exchange of business investment, real estates or government bonds, and therefore the Greens asked the Council to comment on the situation in the Member States mentioned in relations to the offers made. The debate will be held on 15 January.”
d-dritt għar-residenza jekk ikun hemm investiment kummerċjali, fi propjeta` jew f’bonds tal-Gvern, u għalhekk il-Greens staqsew lill-Kunsill biex jikkummenta fuq is-sitwazzjoni fl-Istati Membri b’konnessjoni ma’ dawn l-offerti li saru. Id-dibattatu se jsir fil-15 ta’ Jannar.”