Greens shocked at secret concession of Austrian citizenships


The Green Group in the EP co-Chairperson, Rebecca Harms, has revealed that Ukraine’s last Prime Minister, the current intermediary Prime Minister and the man likely to be the next Prime Minister have all allegedly been secretly given Austrian passports.

Rebecca Harms said: ” It’s incredible that the normal people who are fighting on the streets in Ukraine for European rights can’t travel. Yet those that are beating them and are responsible for the plundering of the country are able not only to leave the country but can get Schengen visas and even Austrian citizenship.  That they are Austrian citizens and have been for a long time has shocked me.”

Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “The hypocrisy of certain European governments is simply unacceptable. As Maltese Greens we have been consistently against the outright sale of European citizenship.  Yet, these Ukrainian semi-despots have bought their Austrian passports without any problem.  We demand that Commissioner Vivienne Reding starts investigating the Austrian behaviour immediately.  What is good for the Maltese goose is also good for the Austrian gander.”

Il-co-Chairperson tal-Grupp tal-Greens fil-Parlament Ewropew,  Rebecca Harms, svelat li l-ahhar Prim Ministru tal-Ukrajna, Il-Prim Ministru intermedjarju ta’ bhalissa u l-bniedem li x’aktarx ikun il-Prim Ministru li jmiss, kollha allegatament inghataw passaporti sigrieti Awstrijakki.

Rebecca Harms qalet: “Bilkemm titwemmen li nies komuni li qeghdin jiggieldu ghad-drittijiet Ewropej fit-toroq tal-Ukraina ma jistghux jivjaggaw filwaqt li dawk li qeghdin isawtuhom u huma responsabbli ghar-rovina tal-pajjiz mhux biss jistghu jitilqu mill-pajjiz imma jistghu ukoll jakkwistaw visas tax-Schengen u sahansitra cittadinanza Awstrijaka.  Il-fatt li dawn il-persuni ilhom cittadini Awstrijaki ghal tul ta’ zmien ixxukjani.”

Ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “L-ipokrisija ta’ certi gvernijiet Ewropej hija sempliciment inaccettabbli.  Bhala Greens Maltin, ahna ikkritikajna il-bejgh tac-cittadinanza Ewropeja. Imma fl-istess hin dawn is-semi-dittaturi Ukreni irnexxielhom jixtru passaporti Awstrijaki minghajr xkiel.  Ahna nsejhu lill-Kummissarju Vivienne Reding biex tibda tinvestiga dan l-agir tal-Awstrija immedjatament.  Dak li jghodd ghal Malta ghandu wkoll jghodd ghall-Awstrija.”
