Since the Maltese Parliament and government have not taken concrete action on tax avoidance and evasion, even in light of the Panama affair, AD hopes that EP inquiry will shed light where others have failed.
Alternattiva Demokratika Chairperson, Prof. Arnold Cassola, said: “The European Parliament administration yesterday approved the request from the ‘Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion’ to send a delegation to Malta, from the 20 to the 24 of February 2017. It is good that, since no action has been taken by the Maltese parliament or government to investigate the Panama connections of Maltese politicians and politically exposed persons, the European Parliament will be conducting the investigation. The Maltese people deserve full transparency with regards to the ethical behaviour – or the lack of it – of their representatives”.
Il-Kumitat ta’ Inkjesta tal-Parlament Ewropew f’Malta fi Frar
La l-Parlament u l-gvern Malti ma hadu azzjoni konkreta fuq l-evazjoni u l-iskartar tat-taxxi, anke fid-dawl tal-kaz tal-Panama, AD tawgura li l-inkjesta tal-Parlament Ewropew iggib fid-deher dak li haddiehor qed jostor.
Ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof. Arnold Cassola, qal: “L-amministrazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew lbierah approvat it-talba tal-“Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion” biex jibghat delegazzjoni Malta fi Frar tal-2017, mill-20 sal-24 ta’ Frar 2017. Huwa tajjeb li, la ma ttiehdet l-ebda azzjoni mill-parlament jew mill-gvern Malti biex jigu investigati l-konnessjonijiet mal-Panama ta’ politici Maltin u ta’ persuni esposti politikament, ser ikun il-Parlament Ewropew li se jmexxi l-investigazzjoni. Il-poplu Malti jisthoqqlu trasparenza shiha dwar l-imgiba etika – jew in-nuqqas taghha – tar-rapprezentanti tieghu”.