electrogas malta

Electrogas owners should guarantee loans with their own assets

electrogas malta

Electrogas owners should guarantee loans with their own assets, says AD

In view of the latest government guarantee to Electrogas, AD Chairperson Prof Arnold  Cassola said: “The sum of 360 million euros which the government is guaranteeing is worth one third of the whole value of EneMalta.  Since when does government guarantee for private investors with public money? Is government in some way indebted to these investors to give such preferential treatment?  Will these investors be further facilitated to build towers in Sliema and Mriehel?

The private investors should guarantee with their own assets.  Siemens  has loads of assets world wide; Tumas Group can use the Portomaso Development (including the Hilton) and its large number of hotels such as The Dolmen at Bugibba as guarantee while Gasan Group could make use of Townsquare Development and other assets.

Joseph Muscat and Konrad Mizzi  should stop playing Russian roulette with the Maltese taxpayers’ money.

Is-sidien ta’ Electrogas ghandhom jiggarantixxu s-self bl-assi taghhom stess.

Fl-isfond tal-ahhar garanzija tal- gvern lill-Electrogas, ic-Chairperson ta’ Alternattiva Demokratika, il-Prof Arnold Cassola, qal: “Is-somma ta’ 360 miljun ewro li l-gvern qed jaghti bhala garanzija hija l-valur ta’ terz tal-kumpanija Enemalta. Dana minn mindu l-gvern jiggarantixxi ghall-kumpanniji privati bi flus pubblici?  Il-gvern ghandu xi obbligazzjoni lejn dawn l-investituri biex qed jaghtihom dan it-trattament preferenzjali?  Dawn l-investituri ser jkomplu jigu ppremjati bil-possibbilta’ li jibnu torrijiet fl-Imriehel u f’Tas- Sliema?

L-investituri ghandhom jiggarantixxu bl-assi taghhom stess.  Siemens ghanhom assi madwar id-dinja kollha.  It-Tumas Group jistghu juzaw bhala garanzija l-Portomaso, inkluz il-Hilton, kif ukoll il-bosta hotels li ghandhom, fosthom id-Dolmen waqt li l- Gasan Group jistghu juzaw bhala garanzija il-Progett TownSquare u assi ohra.

Joseph Muscat u Konrad Mizzi jridu jieqfu jilaghbu Russian roulette bil-flus tat-taxpayers Maltin.
