“The latest anti-Covid measures taken are inadequate and belated.” This was stated by ADPD Chairperson Carmel Cacopardo in a statement.
ADPD is concerned about the ever increasing number of positive COVID cases. The growing number of virus-positive students in schools is also a matter of concern, contrary to what was said when there was an attempt to justify the opening of schools. It is clear that what was said for schools and the effect on the pandemic three months ago, is no longer valid today, as a result of the new variants of the virus that are running rife in the population.
“While ADPD appreciates the work of the public health authorities in these difficult times, we feel that much tougher measures are required to protect people’s health properly. This is not the time for an absolutist discourse ruling out possible solutions in these very particular circumstances. Popularity does not necessarily go hand in hand with conscientious and courageous leadership” added Carmel Cacopardo.
While we are aware that strict measures can lead to difficulties and challenges for many families, these measures need to be taken, no matter how hard they are. This is to protect the health of the public and also to eventually give the economy a chance to recover sustainably.
“There is a need for a stronger sense of responsibility on everyone’s part so that people’s health, especially that of the most vulnerable, is not compromised.” Carmel Cacopardo concluded.
Covid-19: Hemm bżonn sens qawwi ta’ responsabbiltà minn kulħadd
“Il-passi anti-Covid li ttieħdu mhumiex biżżejjed u huma tardivi.” Dan qalu Carmel Cacopardo, Chairperson ta’ ADPD fi stqarrija.
ADPD hi imħassba bin-numri dejjem jiżdiedu ta’ każijiet pożittivi ta’ COVID. Huwa ta tħassib ukoll il-fatt li n-numru ta’ studenti pożittivi għall-virus fl-iskejjel qed jiżdied u dan kuntrarju għal dak li ntqal meta kien hemm attentat biex ikun ġġustifikat il-ftuħ tal-iskejjel. Jidher biċ-ċar li dak li kien jingħad għall-iskejjel u l-effett fuq il-pandemija tliet xhur ilu, illum m’għadux jgħodd, frott il-varjanti ġodda tal-virus li qed jaħkmu l-popolazzjoni.
“Filwaqt li ADPD tapprezza l-ħidma tal-awtoritajiet tas-saħħa pubblika f’dawn il-mumenti diffiċli, jidhrilna li huma meħtieġa miżuri ferm iktar iebsa ħalli s-saħħa tan-nies titħares kif jixraq. Mhux iż-żmien għal diskors assolutist li jaqta’ barra soluzzjonijiet possibbli f’ċirkostanzi partikolari ħafna. Il-popolarità mhux bilfors tmur id f’id mat-tmexxija kuxjenzjuża u kuraġġjuża”, żied Carmel Cacopardo
Filwaqt li aħna konxji li miżuri stretti jistgħu iwasslu għal diffikultajiet u sfidi għal bosta familji, hemm bżonn li dawn il-miżuri jittieħdu, iebsin kemm huma iebsin. Dan sabiex inħarsu s-saħħa tal-pubbliku u anke biex eventwalment nagħtu ċans lill-ekonomija tirkupra b’mod sostenibbli.
“Hemm bżonn sens qawwi ta’ responsabbiltà minn kulħadd biex is-saħħa tan-nies, speċjalment dik tal-iktar vulnerabbli, ma tkunx kompromessa ikkonkluda”, Carmel Cacopardo.