In an interview published on the Sunday Times this morning, Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli replying to a question on whether he donates to political parties was reported as stating that:
“You can’t donate the amounts of money that people think we do. There are laws. But yes, we do help them. Out of respect. And we help both parties…”
In a comment in reply, Carmel Cacopardo, ADPD-The Green Party Chairperson stated: ADPD never asked for nor did it receive any donation from Portelli or any of his ilk. Any such donation would not be accepted in accordance with existing ADPD policy.
We also observed, as stated by Portelli himself in the same interview, that his large scale projects currently in hand, or in the pipeline, have the blessing of the two parties which receive his donations, concluded Cacopardo.
Issa bl-iswed fuq l-abjad: il-proġetti ta’ Portelli għandhom il-barka tal-PLPN
Fl-intervista ippubblikata dalgħodu mis-Sunday Times mal-iżviluppatur Għawdxi Joseph Portelli, huwa ġie rappurtat li bi tweġiba għal mistoqsija jekk jagħtix donazzjonijiet lill-partiti politiċi qal hekk:
“You can’t donate the amounts of money that people think we do. There are laws. But yes, we do help them. Out of respect. And we help both parties…”
F’kumment b’risposta għal dan, Carmel Cacopardo, iċ-Chairperson ta’ ADPD-The Green Party qal: ADPD la qatt talab u lanqas qatt ma irċieva donazzjonijiet mingħand Portelli u persuni bħalu. Donazzjonijiet ta’ din ix-xorta ma jiġux aċċettati skond il-politika kostanti tal-ADPD.
Nosservaw ukoll, fi kliem Portelli fl-istess intervista, li proġetti massiċċi li qed jiżviluppa Portelli jew li se jiżviluppa fil-futur għandhom il-barka taż-żewġ partiti li jirċievu d-donazzjonijiet mingħandu, ikkonkluda Cacopardo.